Cooperation from school with bathroom plan - GOOD NEWS...

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Apr 7, 2010
New York, USA
I haven't mentioned this much around here, but my dd has been experiencing issues with constipation, and not feeling the urge to go to the bathroom - which has resulted in accidents at school and at home. We have an appoinment scheduled with a pediatric GI, but that isn't until April 22.

This morning, my husband contacted our school and talked to hte school nurse about the issue, and the need for DD to have access to the bathroom, along with encouraging her to try to go...

This is the email that was sent out shortly after by the nurse to the teachers my dd has...

((DD)) has a history of constipation that hasn't seemed to have been resolved with dietary changes and other measures that they have taken for her at home. Unfortuately, she has had some issues with some uncontrolled stool expelling thoughout the day without the urge to have a regular BM. In light of these issues, we will need to set up a schedule for her to get to the bathroom regularly throughout the day. (She does have a visit scheduled with a specialist but, until we get instructions, this is the best way we can help her at school.)
Daily schedule:
8:45 AM
At the end of special she should leave a few minutes early and visit the health office to use the bathroom here. (at about 845 AM) She will return to class as soon as possible.
11:50 AM
Next, she should leave recess a few minutes early and will go from the health office to the cafeteria. For the most part she has a packed lunch so, time should not be an issue.
2:10-2:30 PM as needed/encouraged
Increasing her water intake is probably going to be the biggest challenge. She does on average need about three bottles of water a day here however, two would be a big improvement. please encourage her to increase her fld intake.
Thanks for your help, ((Nurse))
Any questions or concerns let me know.

I am hoping that the issue with DD can be resolved, and isn't an indicator of either IBS or IBD...but, I have to say I am very pleased with the quick response from the school - and I have confidence with the teachers to not give her any problems.
So glad the school is addressing it.
One thing we did which may help is to have a card laminated with my sons name.
Anytime he needs to go at all he can just place the card on his desk so he doesn't have to ask at all.
Good luck at the ped Gi
How old is your DD? It can be a factor for how the school can deal with it. My DD started her symptoms when she was 11, and it took her 7 months to get a diagnosis. The teachers at first showed reluctance to let her go on her own whenever she needed. School policy from grade 6 down is a peer has to accompany them to the washroom. After a quick meeting discussing our concerns (and 1 accident, her issue is diarrhea, not constipation) they changed the policy for just her.

I do like the card policy. It might work well for when d gets to high school without causing attention.
My daughter has a lot of constipation problems too. Right now the theory is that she started holding it and it just became habit. We had to do the Mirilax colonoscopy clean out for her (GI prescribed) and keep her on regular Mirilax. When we'd make her sit on the toilet after meals, she would poop and be amazed because she didn't know she had to go. She's 9.

Hope your DD just needs to retrain her system too. And I'm so glad you're having luck with school. My daughter's school is not supportive at all. At first they assumed it was anxiety and now they have decided that she is having sympathy pains for my Crohn's. I didn't know sympathy constipation was possible. :facepalm: