Copying/Posting duplicate threads into other parts of the fourm

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Super Moderator
Jun 7, 2012
The parents section is always LOADED with information (Thanks!!!). But I think a lot of people feel like they can't respond because they aren't a parent of a Crohnie, so their is a lot of potential discussion that is missed, which isn't beneficial to anyone. I understand that parents want to share with each other so I understand why there are so many posts and I definitely encourage it, but if it can be shared in the other parts of the forum as well so everyone can feel free to discuss that would be great as well. If its something specific to your child, you can keep it in the parents section (and you of course can share it with the rest of the forum as well) but if it is research or something about a specific med or something similar, post it twice. I just hate to see something not get discussed/shared by all members because the information is only shared in the Parent's section. Thanks! :ghug:
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I try and talk in the other forums too. I have to say there is more dialog here which makes me come back her even for things that aren't specifically kid related. I posted in the forum about enteral nutrition and got no pick up on a thread I found. I posted here and got almost immediate response. Since it seems parents are very active it would probably help for us too to be active in other areas too.

I for one would like to see other people respond that have CD. Most of us parents don't have it so if non-parents responded about their experience as the patient it would help me!
In the Parents of Kids w/IBD 'description' on the main page, would it be possible to change the description so that ALL members, not only parents, are welcomed and encouraged to participate in the section's discussions? Something along the line of...

A forum discussing any topic relating to IBD and children with parents sharing their experiences, worries and knowledge. Parents or guardians of a child suffering with any kind of IBD condition will find support and understanding from other parents here. Participation, experiences and comments from all members are encouraged and valued in the Parents' forum.

I will also try to spend a bit more time in other areas of the forum and will post any new 'relevant' threads to other subforums in the future.
That is a GREAT idea Tesscorm!
I am going to tag Jennifer so she sees this when she logs back on. I am not sure who has authority to change it, I imagine it would be her.
Great ideas everyone.

Another idea if it works.......
I'm part of another forum that if we want the thread placed in another forum(s) we ask for it to be done by the monitors. We do name specially which forums we want.

The reason I think it would be a good idea is because of the limited time we might have because of carrying for sick kids or life keeping us busy.

Just an idea.:hug:
I'm not sure I understand farmwife. Can you elaborate a little more?
Any member can request their post be moved to the appropriate forum as it is now right? And forum monitors do request posts be moved from time to time.

Since most of the forum monitors are also dealing with illness or busy schedules I'm not sure you wouldn't just be shifting the workload from one person dealing with illness to another dealing with illness, farmwife? Or am I missing something?
All you have to do is report the thread/post and ask for it to be copied to another section. Any member can do this. :)

As for changing the description, I can alter it to make it seem more welcoming to all members as I know the parents love to hear from those who suffer from Crohn's or other forms of IBD as well, especially those who were diagnosed as minors and are now adults.
I sometimes exclusively post in the general section, but a few years ago I started posting in the multimedia section, parent and diet section too. The reason is simple, I often feel I can not help in the general section, often people ask if they have crohn's disease or ask things that require a response from a doctor. The less specific the question is, the harder it is to answer it, often people are looking for answers no one can give them but a doctor.
Another suggestion would be to make threads link between two sub-forums. Not sure how difficult it is to set this up but, what I'm thinking is that when you start a thread, you have the option to choose to post in multiple forums.

I'm not suggesting two/duplicate threads because I think what will happen is if a member posts the same thread in Parents' plus in Enteral Nutrition, if the conversation picks up in the Parents' thread, the one in Enteral Nutrition will end up forgotten. What I'm suggesting is that the ONE thread updates in both subforums regardless of where a response is posted. Hope I'm being clear???
That sounds life a great idea Tesscom, but I don't know if it is feasible or not, but definitely worth bringing up with the programmers
Another suggestion would be to make threads link between two sub-forums. Not sure how difficult it is to set this up but, what I'm thinking is that when you start a thread, you have the option to choose to post in multiple forums.

I'm not suggesting two/duplicate threads because I think what will happen is if a member posts the same thread in Parents' plus in Enteral Nutrition, if the conversation picks up in the Parents' thread, the one in Enteral Nutrition will end up forgotten. What I'm suggesting is that the ONE thread updates in both subforums regardless of where a response is posted. Hope I'm being clear???

As far as I'm aware that's not possible but what could be done in the meantime is to copy the replies into the other thread. It's a little more work but the programmer hasn't completed anything I've asked them to do almost a year ago so this will just be added to their forgotten list unfortunately.

Edit: We could make a thread in the staff section for threads that need to be updated for the duplicates. It would mention what the thread is about and provide links to both threads so both can contain the same information when a staff member gets to it.