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Jan 31, 2010
When ppl say thet cant eat corn what type do they mean

I find corn on the cob kills me
popcorn doesnt seem bad and neither does cornflakes ... Is it just in my head or are they different??
I wouldn't do any of those in a flare. Cornflakes could be a "little" different because its ground and pressed, but whole kernel corn and whole kernel popcorn rips the bejesus outta my colon. Popcorn doesn't make a very happy exit either.
I can eat cornmeal and cornflakes pretty much anytime, like katisue says, probably because they are ground up... but kernel corn, corn on the cob, and popcorn all kill my gut.
Corn is in a lot of what we eat (read Omnivore's Dilemma). I don't do corn on cob, popcorn or anything with high fructose corn syrup. They make me flare.
Cool answers..thought it was me going mad.. eating cornflakes was ok but sweetcorn would kill me lol
cornflakes was on the "Things good to eat" list I got from the Hospital.

But kernels of corn are barely digestible by normal people at the best of times. The popcorn scares me because of those little hull/shell things you have to floss out of your teeth. No way we are going to break those down at all. That kind of stuff can get caught in a section of the bowel wall that is compromised due to our disease. That cant be good for things. Its the same thing they tell me not to eat raspberries, strawberries and such over. The little seeds that we do not digest. Some of it stays there for a long long long time.

Who is going to tell the Barbie shoe story this time? :D
corn is evil to me. if i am somehow forced into eating mixed veggies, i WILL spend as much time as it takes to pick every single little kernel? of corn out of the mix.... cornflakes i don't see a problem with...and popcorn i wouldn't even consider anymore even when I am feeling good
Man I'm a horrible Crohnie, I eat corn all the time, it NEVER bothers me! Thank goodness because it's my favorite veggie!! We just had some at dinner last night and I was telling my hubby that one day I'm gonna regret it :( Hopefully it's not any time soon!
OMG!! Haha...that is too funny! That actually makes me wonder... When I was younger I was coloring something with these little mini markers and I had the end in my mouth where the cap was and somehow I accidentally swallowed the marker cap. I ran to my mom and I said "I swallowed it!" That was the first time I ever went to the hospital and they took an x-ray. I can't remember if they could see it on the x-ray or not, but they told my mom I'd probably just pass it in my stool within the next several days. So, my mom (she's also a nurse so it didn't bother her to do it) used gloves for the next week to search my poo, but she never found it. So we thought we had just lost it...maybe it's still floating around there somewhere. Haha!
IMP, thanks for finding the shoe story! That's great!

Twilight.... keep us posted on the marker cap!
brill, I'm gonna go back on cornflakes!

When I was little my Dad told me that we can't digest tomato seeds, and that's why there are loads of tomato plants in the sewers!

ha ha I believed him, but it might be true! like Ninja Turtles!
This post makes me feel a bit better about eating things involving ground corn. I was a bit leery because I wasn't sure if it wouldn't digest properly or not. Though I would feel even better had my doctor been able to tell me whether or not my bowel is still narrowed in the ileum when he did my colonoscopy. Unfortunately, he couldn't get the scope that far. :( Last thing I need is an obstruction! Haha.
When I was first diagnosed I was told that eating corn was fine as long as I chewed it really well. I've never had problems with it. Never had a problem with popcorn or nuts either. But, I tend to chew my food excessively well...maybe that's the difference?
I havent had corn on the cob in maybe 10 years, I love Corn flakes but one bowl and I am done in. Corn hasn't got any nutrition value and you gotta have sugar or butter on it or salt.. I love Acorn squash instead, easier on the gut.
I will never eat one piece of popcorn for as long as I live. It's asking for your insides to be ripped apart.

I saw a few threads on here about corn, but I can't find them. Something about how REALLY bad it is to eat corn, or it is genetically modified, or the pesticide or SOMEthing about it is really horrible. I can't remember who wrote it or what the details were. I searched for it and couldn't find it either.

Anyhoo - corn in moderation doesn't seem to bother me I don't think. I had some corn on the cob last summer and didn't even see it you-know-where. It was magic corn I think.
some corn has been altered to produce a naturally occurring bacteria. Mostly in the leaves of the plant. The bacteria is a natural predator of some moth larva that attack many plants. (worms/caterpillars)

They were evaluating some of it at the Agricultural Institute I took my diploma at. The idea behind it was to use Organic pest control products (legally called pesticides because anything that is marketed to control a pest has to be registered as a pesticide) to reduce the use of chemical pesticides. A lot of people got pretty upset about it. Symbiosis of this type is a natural adaptation that has occurred in a lot of plants but in this case people created the symbiotic relationship and crossed a line somewhere with I suppose.

Corn fed the Mayan and Aztec Empires for Milena. But it also was not genetically modified by anything other than selection and cross pollination. Funny to think of Montezuma's revenge and corn now isn't it!
Interesting discussion. I'm with Nyx, chewing aggressively seems to be the ticket to corn and some of the other "taboo" foods. It seems like anything that can get stuck, whole and improperly digested, is to be avoided as much as possible. (For me that includes whole grain bread..)
Inspired by this thread, I tried corn for the first time in any great quantity since having my colon removed. I put it in a soup I made the other day. Have had it twice for lunch now with no ill effects. But I did chew like mad!!

I alsp do really well with corn products - chips, polenta, grits, tortillas, etc.

Still too scared of popcorn!
I avoid ALL corn and corn products. They may not all disagree with me, but I don't want to take a chance. I have cut out corn cereals (as well as wheat), soda pops (corn syrup), anything with xanthan gum on the label (corn derivative), powdered sugar (contains corn starch) and white vinegar (made from corn) as well as many others. Hard diet to follow, but I am medication free and healthy (TG)..................Lynne
Hey Joan
Thats true about the tomato (you're saying this word funny aren't you :D) seeds!! I remember hearing on the radio warning people not to eat the tomatoes around the Picton power plant in Ontario b/c it was generated by raw sewage. It went on to explain why. Pretty disgusting if you ask me...
I can eat certain corn products. I've used the corn meal to fry chicken with and oil. I've also had corn chips like frito's. I've even had corn tacos. I haven't experimented with whole kernal corn or popcorn just because I've heard too many horror stories and I don't really like it all that much to begin with.
I don't know about setting off the pain, but I have often seen undigested corn you know where.
Like Nyx and a couple of the others...I don't have too much of a problem with long as I don't go overboard with

As for other corn products (basically, anything with ground corn or corn flour)...I have found that if I am having fairly steady diarrhea, that some corn chips will help slow things down a bit....

Weird how we all tolerate it and so many other things so differently!
I don't have too much of a problem with corn on the cob. Cornflakes are a little bit hard for me to digest, but I eat them anyway. Popcorn really tears my insides up though, can't digest it at all. =/
I can do popcorn, and occasionally corn kernels. But most of the time the kernels bother me so I just avoid them. Too bad, too because I love corn on the cob especially in the summer.
I've been fine with corn based products.

Popcorn on the other hand... i literally only had 4 pieces from my friend's bag at the movie theater today, and my bowel movement 2 hrs later was so strong that i felt i was going to blast off to the moon using my butt as an engine
I seem to be fine with processed corn products- I eat corn snacks as an alternative to crisps (potato chips). However, I haven't dared eat sweetcorn or popcorn since diagnosis, as lots of other veg with skins bother me, and even a healthy person finds sweetcorn difficult to digest. And if ever I'm tempted, I will just imagine Dekar gripping the toilet for dear life trying not to take off!