Corned Beef and Cabbage??

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Aug 2, 2007
Who's going to eat corned beef and cabbage for St. Patrick's Day even though you KNOW what kind of gas THAT will produce??

I hope it's worth it.........
I hate corned beef and cabbage. The family just finished eating it. I had chicken and potatoes.
I had some chicken and mac and cheese. It was okay. I don't normally make a big day for St. Patricks day.
The 12.5% (1/8th) of me that's Irish enjoyed some last night at girlfriends house...very good, but a little cabbage though, can't stand it (and obviously my bowels can't either)....but I do like cole slaw a lot.

Today I had Rice Crispies and soy milk (I miss my reg milk), some tender beef jerkey, and a chicken sandwich...woke up late, short day too as I half get up early for another thyroid appt in the morning.
Think I might wait till the church celebrates St Patrciks Day... because of the Lenten Calendar, that would be April 1st. Figure if I consume corned beef and cabbage the night before, I could play a nasty April Fools Day joke on the 'whole' neighbourhood.
Oooooooooh, it was NOT worth it.
Delicious? Yes.
Painful? YES!
I don't usually have pain with my Crohn's but this time I sure did.
I had that yummy dinner, and then for lunch the next day.
Then the pain started. For a few hours.
NOT a good idea.
I regret it.
(Stupidly - next March I'll do it all again.)
Is it cooked cabbage or raw? I am not Irish, but I missed St. Urho's day. This started up in my area so us Finn's would not be left without some kind of day to celebrate. It is not to be taken too seriously.

Scott and I both have Irish heritage. I like corned beef and cabbage, but I can't handle the cabbage. Oh the pain! I will make it for Scott though.
No thank you also! I may look Irish and growing up we had an Irish setter lol....but I definetly do not like the most common Irish dish that's made every St. Patricks day!
Hi Jenn! I don't like how Scott eats his. He adds a ton of vinegar to it.
:puke_r: lol

I am sure you make it great, it just never looked like something I would go yey over to eat! Even before this so called crohnie life! I never chose to eat that if they served it somewhere.
I love corned beef sandwiches. I'll admit that the meat is pretty ugly looking, so I can see why it would gross some people out. My brother likes Reuben sandwiches. I don't know how he does it with his Crohn's. My corned beef sandwiches are pretty plain.
I love corned beef sandwiches. I'll admit that the meat is pretty ugly looking, so I can see why it would gross some people out. My brother likes Reuben sandwiches. I don't know how he does it with his Crohn's. My corned beef sandwiches are pretty plain.

Pastrami Reubens were always a favorite of mine. Pastrami, sauerkraut, & Swiss cheese on rye bread, and served with a schmear of Russian dressing. I always preferred Pastrami over corned beef. Not sure which ingredient would cause me the most distress these days, the fatty, peppered Pastrami, the dairy product Swiss, the gluten-containing bread, or the bloat-provoking kraut (probably the kraut), but god I miss them!
I'm always surprised that I can tolerate corned beef as fatty and stringy as it seems to be. I get mine plain though--just meat and cheese on rye. No kraut or dressing. I have never had beef pastrami, only turkey pastrami, which I love as well!
my rule of thumb as a crohnie and an ostomate is if I can't chew it, I don't swallow it, thus, I will NOT eat it. I'm not Irish so I don't eat this sort of this as it will definitely cause pain, gas, and a possible trip to the ER. No thanks. lol
I'm 1/32nd Irish (acccording to my mother, who has figured out our family tree going back to the Mayflower and beyond) but there's no way I'd touch corned beef or cabbage - neither one does good things for me nowadays. Potatoes minus the skins are going to be the only Irish part of my St. Patty's day dinner.
My mum's family is of Irish decent, so I have Irish in me. With red hair and fair skin I certainly look very Irish as well.

Although I'll be honest with you the corned beef is the thing that would cause most problems for me, I seem to have very poor digestion at the moment and animal meat like beef is hard to digest at the best of times.

Maybe I'll come up with an alternative vege meal with quorn mince instead of corned beef!

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haha vonfunk, yeh thats what i would be thinking if i could drink whisky, guess it will have to beer a pint of guiness instead :)

Looking at Wiki it seems its only americans that associate corned beef with Irish, due to the irish immigrants eating it due to being cheap. In Ireland itself its not a tradition.

I do love irish stew
In Canada the corned beef connection is there but not as strong. Any decent. "Irish" pub will have corned beef hash on the breakfast menu, but I rarely see it out side of that context. I've never associated it with Irish cooking.

I have a half bottle of Jameson's I need to finish off.
Who's going to eat corned beef and cabbage for St. Patrick's Day even though you KNOW what kind of gas THAT will produce??

What has corned beef and cabbage got to do with St. Patrick's Day anyway?

Never understand why people eat green eggs on that day either.

I can eat yummy cabbage, but corned beef is vile beyond words.

Not surprised your butt hurts after eating that!

Happy St Pats Day Mr or Mrs Farty Pants :stinks:
It's an Irish thing! Or an American Irish thing. My hubby is almost 100% Irish. From my side, my father's mother was Irish. I do plan on wearing green tomorrow. It's foolish not to do so when you teach in an elementary school.
Dear MBH, Yes, I had it! Yes, I love it! No, it didn't make me hurt, sorry it did hurt you my sweet lass. I love that dish, it's so darn delicious! We also had some Irish soda bread to go with it and green milk shakes!

Everyone posting in this thread who does not like corned beef.... you can just go kiss the blarney stone lol :) just kidding ok?
Ha! Someone bumped this thread from THREE years ago! Hilarious.
Anyways - I think I wasn't in remission at the time, but I am now. We had it and I didn't get one bit of pain and it was deeeeeeeelicious!