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Nov 28, 2009

I have the worst rib pain and was googling it and found this word costochondritis. Do you alll think this is a form of joint pain.
Also I have very bad anxiety and I was wondering if that makes Crohns worse. Mine has been horrible and scares me and sets off my adreline.
Is your pain located mainly in the center of your chest? It seems that is where this type of pain comes from. Or, are you having pain around the bottom of your ribs?

I would go see your doc about the anxiety Mary. I don't think it is that uncommon for people with IBD to have psychological disturbances as well (anxiety - depression) and I *really* believe that if it is an issue for a particular person, it can only be helpful for your disease process to do something about it. Anxiety can produce stress, which your body does not need. And if you can feel that it is increasing your adrenaline production - then wow - I'd definitely do something about it - may make you feel MUCH better all the way around.
I have pain everywhere and I just cant tell if its from my anxiety and Crohns or either or. I wake up every morning scared of this disease. It is ruining my family and my husband is not very supportive. My rib cage pain is all over it even hurts to wear a bra.
Oh sweety - you may have several different things going on. Look up pleurisy and see if any of that fits. I had that several times in high school before I was diagnosed - but it was usually following an upper respiratory infection. Have you been sick with anything lately? It could be fibromyalgia as well?? You really need to go see your doctor to make sure it isn't something that could be easily resolved for you. Having chronic pain can elevate all kinds of things in your body, just making you feel bad all over. If it is caused by inflammation - you need to get that under control as well. AND...I'd still go see someone about the anxiety. If you aren't getting good support at home - there isn't a wonder you'd have anxiety as well. You need to take care of yourself...go see your doctor please! You can vent on here...we'll listen and support you - but if you are having physical stuff like this, you have to go see your doc ok?
I agree with what Peaches has said. I, too, have anxiety issues and it is really unpleasant! You can get medication that will help. I'm sure the worrying about the disease only makes it worse and then being anxious/stressed makes the disease worse!
Sorry to hear about your tough stretch Mary.

I have rib pain myself -- caused by arthritis in the spine. Definitely no picnic. If I stand and slouch too much, it puts pressure on the ribs. I have to watch my posture and keep up with my yoga stretches.

Hopefully you and your doctor can pinpoint the source of your pain soon. Take care!

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