Could I have crohns?

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Nov 23, 2013
Hello! I am a man of 20 years of age.
I have had problems on and off (more on) with my stomach since I was around 13-14 when I started having severe stomach pain to the point where I would fold forward against a wall and sometimes lay down outside. I have gone to the doctor where I live, but the easiest thing for them to do seems to be to tell me to stop stressing and to eat omeprazol, which I tell them that I have been eating for a lot of years already.
I have been reading online about alot of different kinds of stomach problems, and one that seems to have many of my symtoms is crohns.

Two days ago I started feeling something in my throat and thought that I might be catching something like strep that I had last winter. I doesnt hurt ,but I feel it when i swallow.
Anyway I looked in to the throat in the mirror with a light and saw that my throath was very red and irritated. I also saw little bubbles with a little bit of a yellow surface. When I pull out my toung it is also red on the sides and and hade little "bubbles" lined up in two rows on both sides of the toung.
When I look up crohn ulcers on the internet it very much looks like my little "bubbles". As i said. It is not severe in my mouth, but I definitley feel it. My main problem is my stomach which I have a BIG problem with.
I have one of my "periods" now with more stomach problems so I have had diarrhea the last days but I only get a little bit of yellow slime coming out (I think sometimes mixes with a little blood). Then my pain usually stops for a while.

I would very much appreciate if somebody could take the time and answer my question. I also have a couple of pictures from my throat if someone is interested.

Thanks in advance!
Welcome to the forum, abc123!

I'd say it is a possibility that you have Crohn's, but unfortunately, we can't tell you that for certain. A doctor will need to do certain tests (colonoscopy and possibly others as well) to be able to determine that.

Is there any reason why you couldn't see a different doctor, since your current one isn't helping you? Have you mentioned the possible blood in your bowel movements? That can be very important.

:hug: I hope things go well for you!
It was actually my mom who booked a meeting with the doctor and more or less forced me to go. Going there only made me angry because I hated the attitude of the doctors. ( I live in Sweden where we have free health care, but its hard to get the doctors to actually take a look at you and really listen to what you have to say).
Though I think its time to take it seriously and really try colonoscopy since my problems are getting worse. I also have a grandmother who passed away pretty young in some kind of stomach cancer from what Ive heard. I never met her.
Upper gastro problems, throat, stomach, up to the duodenum are checked with an upper endoscopy. What you're describing doesn't seem like Crohn's disease but only a doc can help you from here on out really.
It was actually my mom who booked a meeting with the doctor and more or less forced me to go. Going there only made me angry because I hated the attitude of the doctors. ( I live in Sweden where we have free health care, but its hard to get the doctors to actually take a look at you and really listen to what you have to say).
Though I think its time to take it seriously and really try colonoscopy since my problems are getting worse. I also have a grandmother who passed away pretty young in some kind of stomach cancer from what Ive heard. I never met her.

Definitely mention the blood; it might get the doctors moving in the right direction.

What are your stomach symptoms, if you don't mind sharing?
Hi abc123 and welcome to the forum! :D

I agree with SarahBear that you'll want to do further testing with a GI doctor (Gastroenterologist) and have a colonoscopy done along with an upper endoscopy to see what's going on. That "yellow slime" you mentioned is most likely mucus which is usually a sign of inflammation. The blood could also be coming from the inflamed section of bowel but the scope will be able to tell (hopefully) where exactly its coming from.

Many people with Crohn's do experience ulcers in other areas like the esophagus and mouth so based off of all of your symptoms, Crohn's is possible but you really need further testing to find out for sure. Start with the two scopes and go from there.

When you see the GI make sure you bring a list of all of your symptoms (even if they have gone away, write down when/the date they happened, especially the mucus and blood loss) and write down any questions/concerns you have and also point to where your pain is in your abdomen (sometimes if you just say stomach they may simply assume acid reflux and nothing will be accomplished) and be sure to describe the pain especially when its at its worst.

I hope you get answers and proper treatment soon. Keep us posted. :)
Ok, I will.
Kramps in my bowel after or when I eat, but pretty often also just through out the day. It comes suddenly and hurt very bad then leaves after a little while. I know very much about food and only eat very healthy. I know that if I eat something fat. I doesnt take long until it hurts ever worse than usual and stays for a long time.
My stomach more or less allways hurt and it is very sour.
I have heartburns always so I eat antacids. I have very very low appetite. I only kind of get a little hungry every third day if a havent eaten in very long. Otherwise i press down the food I need to eat. I have lost very much weight the last 5-6 weeks. My weight was 82kg and I worked out alot. Yesterday I weighed in at 66kgs.
I very often have diarrheah and it changes color from dark to very light brown with slime, to yellow slime only, to transparent slime, to dark green to very light green.
After i eat my first thing of the day. My bowel starts with these weird noises and keeps going all night long. I have alot of gases also but it seems like the dont come out that often. But more float around in my stomach and there is pain. ( i have them very much right bow) sometimes it stops and it hurts very bad. Then there is this pretty loud noise and the pain goes away.
There is alot of problems with my stomach. I probably forgot to write down alot!

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