Could it be crohns related?

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Sep 7, 2011
could it be crohns related?

My son has a red mark on the crease of his arm, i thought it was eczema and put diprobase cream on it last week but this morning it does look much mre angry and very red, the only way i can describe it is it looks like a burn and is on the just the one area. could it be something to do with crohns? he doesnt have any other marks like this anywhere else on his body. x
I don't think you could ever rule it out, particularly if he isn't in full remission. However, if he is prone to eczema then it may just be that and nothing else, it certainly is the right place for it.

Do you have any steroid based creams at home?

Dusty. xxx
He does suffer from eczema but that disappeared when he started on his meds but saying that im wondering if maybe he is having a wee flare?? i find it hard with kian as he doesnt show any symtoms at all with his crohns (touch wood) was thinking of buying some benadryl today and maybe that will help. I also put a little eumovate on his arm this morning too, hope it disappears. x
Hmmmm, that does make it difficult. What about bloods? Have his inflammatory been reliable in the past?

Just my two cents worth, I think if the eumovate, which is a topical steroid, works then it may be just the eczema on it's own. That's not to say that it wouldn't respond to the cream if he is in flare but I think extra intestinal skin conditions normally respond better to systemic steroids as they treat the cause, not sure though!

Good luck, I hope it does respond to the cream! Let us know how you get on. :hug:

Dusty. xxx
thanx DustyKat, his last bloods were start of december and he is due start of march again. His last bloods were fine. I will keep an eye on it n see how it goes. x
well the red mark disapearred from the crase in his arm but yesterday he had his swimming class and when he came out of the pool his tummy and side were full of small light purpleish marks, not itchyness or feeling unwell and when i pressed the marks they blanched so i wasnt too worried. Went to take him to get checked but by time i got to a and e it had faded and just looked like pale ever so slightly raised bumps on his skin. this morning it has completely disappeared. Very strange and i wonder if it could be crohns related or maybe just a reaction to a chemical in the pool? does anyone else have rashes or anything similar like this?
My daughter gets weird rashes all the time and they seem to disappear quickly. I am not sure what it is from.
Claire too. Unless they stay around a few days, I try not to worry...... Easier said than done!