Could it be Crohns?

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Mar 14, 2011
could it be Crohns?

I am in the process of trying to figure out if I have Crohn's or not... I am 43 and was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, CFS, Asthma and have been B12 deficient for about 10 yrs now (i'm in the "low" normal range) Over the years, I've been having bouts of pain and diarrea which i just thought it was related to a food allergy, for some odd reason, each time i get tested for foods, i seem to be allergic to the foods i have been eating more of. I do however have a wheat allergy which i've had for years but ignored it, i was tested for Celiac and Lactose Intolerance (ice cream seems to make me have what i call a bowel episode)and both came back negative. Also negative result with Pernicious Anemia too. finally saw a Gastroenteroligist he mentioned that B12 deficiency can be caused from Crohns and will need to have some tests done. I had a colonoscopy as well as the scope down the throat. the stomach is fine, but they found two ulcers in my terminal illeum as well as some inflamation, they biopsied those tumors and luckily aren't cancerous. my Gastroenterologyst isn't fully convinced I have Crohns even though i have alot of the symptoms. symptoms being, dramatic weight loss, loss of appetite, mild to severe stomach pains, cramping, churning, feels like everything inside is swelling (I can literally feel it as it happens)and then my mouth starts to water., followed by bowel movements which start off solid, then turn soft then liquid and then it can sometimes continue all night and other times, i go maybe 3 times and am completly empty but then i dont have a bowel movement for 4 days afterwards. I also have alot of other symptoms that no one seems to have such as hard stools all the time (except when i went on a gluten free diet), swelling feeling after i have bowel movement in my back, and lots of pressure in my lower abdomen, itchiness, dry eyes, tiny hives, tiredness, and severe cramping in my soles of my feet which are extremely painful and painful sporatic shoots of pain that goes where ever and can last from 2 to 30 seconds then turns to an ache (like a tooth ache) then dissapears. my bowel habits are good otherwise, i am regular even though they are hard.
I am at a loss and was hoping to get some information off others who may know what is wrong with me or know someone with similar symptoms.... My gastroenteroligys has ordered a ultra sound on my small intestine only, as well as an internal ultrasound too. he said if this test comes back normal then he will label me and treat me as a Crohns patient. . . ?! thank you in advance for any info anyone can share with me
Suess, I hope you get answers soon. I do not have any food allergies or intolerances- I am "sensitive". I do know I feel better when my carbs come from fruits and veggies. Good luck.
:welcome: Suess, sounds like the classic case of Crohns to me. That is strange that if he says it comes back normal he will treat me as a crohns patient? That is strange,and a first for me. Crohns is very hard to detect. Even biopsies, scopes, ct scans can miss it. Most colonoscopies do show the best, but a barium follow through shows narrowing or abnormal passages. I do not have dairy in my diet. I am one who drinks milk or ice cream I am in pain, hardly worth it. Frozen yoghurt I can tollerate and old style cheddar cheese. Some peole have Diahreah or slow bowels and slow bowels are something I avoid because it means a possible stricture or narrowing. Hope you get some answers and if you dont change Gi's get a second opinion. I see you are a Canadian so that maybe harder than you think. What part of Canada are you in, so someone could direct you where you may need to go for help. Hope you dont have Crohns but best to know asap.

Glad to have a fellow Canadian aboard. Keep us posted ok?? Good luck, :hang:
Thank you Pen,
I live in Alberta and have a fantastic GI doc, he is very caring and explains everything in detail until you understand what he's saying. I feel he is very thourough and knows his stuff but on the other hand, I am confused as to why he cannot give me a definate diagnosis?
all the symptoms I have lead up to Crohns - one thing he did say is that he dosen't beleive in food allergies when i told him of my wheat allergy. Dairy is okay except for the ice cream at Dairy Queen, frosty's at Wendy's and Milk shakes at McDonalds I get violently sick. I can eat cheese, yogurt and am fine with 1% milk however, if i have it alot then i start feeling nautious. I did notice Quinoa makes me ill. not sure if it's related to wheat or what but each time I eat it, i become sick.
Hi Suess - and welcome!

Yes, it sure sounds like Crohn's to me also. Hope the new tests are able to provide the answers you are looking for and you and your doc can come up with a good treatment plan.

Good luck!

- Amy