Could it really be something else?

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Aug 26, 2013
My aunt recently took me to get a colonoscopy, after two years since resection surgery, and gave me some information about celiac disease. It was from Dr. Wallack with youngevity. It was saying how it can have symptoms like crohns. Going to talk to my GI about it November 13. Any thoughts?
Never hurts to ask. Sometimes different types of IBD can act the same. If you have doubts as far as your diagnosis, it's better to find out for sure than to keep wondering. Hope you get the answers you're looking for. Please keep us updated. :hug:
If your GI has done an endoscope as part of the procedure, that should already have been looked at. Has he done the endoscope? As much as it pains me to say this part, don't go chasing other diagnoses "just because." It is pretty easy to want to deny crohn's - the fact that you are two years removed from surgery would suggest to me, unless you are already on a gluten free diet, that it probably isn't celiac.
You can have a simple blood test done to rule out celiac sprue. You could have it on top of your crohn's but considering you had a resection for crohn's I don't think you will suddenly discover that was an incorrect diagnosis.
I was tested for Celiac via blood test and an endoscopy, both negative. I don't eat any gluten anyway, it's aggravates my energy and my gut.

If you can't get the tests done, you can always try going gluten free anyway. It's harmless and could work wonders :)
I was tested years before my surgery and diagnosis with food allergies. Never paid it much mind until one day BAM! Appendix perforated and fistula to boot. Y'all are right though, is defiantly crohns.... I also know I have a candida problem.... I'm just sick of being sick. I was going to try raw diet but I know my digestive track can't handle raw foods... With trying to work two jobs, run a business and be mommy to a four month old I just don't have time to be sick. In going to look around the site for meal plans :-\
One thing you may need to build in is real sleep time. Just about the roughest time I have had in my life was the year and a half after my daughter was born. I honestly believe that lack of sleep was the reason for it because as soon as my daughter started sleeping through the night, my health improved. It led to a lot of bleeding in my bowels. No real proof of that though, just supposition. The recovery didn't time in any way with known reaction times to meds. Build in your time for sleep if you can, and I honestly do believe it will pay off for you.
I have celiac disease and microscopic colitis. I should have been DX' d with celiac ages before I finally was. My doctor was dismissive about it and said I had IBS. I found a new doctor three years later. I was diagnosed positive for celiac through blood serum testing. Oftentimes celiac is undiagnosed through blood work because it takes a lot of damage for a positive result through blood work. So if you get negative blood celiac results don't rule it out. Do not stop eating gluten before testing, it will skew results. Biopsies to diagnose celiac is the gold standard. I hope you don't have celiac but I think you are being smart to rule it out. Good luck!

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