Could just crawl up and cry

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Sep 7, 2013
Ok so I had a follow up with my GI today, (after having been in hospital for 2 days getting test done) He said all my tests came back good, no inflammation or signs of crohns or other auto immune diseases. He did pillcam/endoscope/colonoscopy as well as blood work/stool tests/ CT scan. Since everything has come back good (except for the fact that I have a white blood cell count of 13,000) he is leaning towards things just being a virus that has attacked my gut as well as IBS. Just curious if anyone else has ever dealt with a ‘virus issue.’ Also, just really depressing, don’t know if anyone on here has any ideas as to food intolerances. I have been GF for more than a year now, so I know any kinds of tests there would be messed up. I also recently went soy free. Ive fought being dairy (all dairy) since 2008 but I love cheese so that’s been a hard battle, but I am DF now. Anywho so I have a major problem with wanting to eat and even having an appetite ( I am not bulimic and don’t have issues of that nature) I just simply am not hungry or I make food and take to bits and cant eat more, even the small meals thur out the day is still forcing food down me. Im getting close to having lost 20lbs and I didn’t weight that much to begin with. I ask about the food intolerance because for dinner I had made completely from scratch (even the seasoning) chicken fajitas I actually did really good eating! Had it on corn hard shells since im GF about 15ish mins after eating got super nausea and puked everything I ate. Still dealing with the nausea and now have a pretty good migraine too, got pretty chilled too. Didn’t know if anyone knew much about food intolerance with corn or not or could point me somewhere. Getting so sick of not being able to eat and actually enjoy and keep food down. Guess its back to basic foods again tomorrow yet again.
I'm sorry that you are upset and suffering but I'm glad you don't have a disease at least.

You might be losing so much weight because you are cutting out major food groups. No wheat and dairy will make you lose weight. Are you sure its necessary to cut these all out? Maybe you can choose healthier types like whole wheat and organic dairy.
yeah I still get the GI upset even on organic wheat/dairy products....I actually hadnt lost any wieght for a long time. Ive been GF for over a yr only lost maybe 5-7lbs in the past 4months of this sickness that Im dropping the weight, being losing about 2-3lbs per week
I would think a virus would run its course and not linger. I'd consider seeing another specialist in GI health. I'd also try everything not to lose weight such as eating dairy and wheat and adding nutritional shakes like ensure or boost.
What type of food intolerances are you concerned about?

Lactose intolerance and coeliac seem to be the most common reasons for avoiding foods (dairy and gluten, respectively). Other than those, I'd be careful of seeing reactions where there actually aren't any. I found I was very prone to imagining correlations between food and symptoms, and I was fooled by a complete scam years ago where I was tested for food intolerances (which I paid for) and they told me I was intolerant to all sorts of food. It took me a while to realise I was actually not intolerant to anything at all.

My symptoms do vary in response to the amount of fibre in my diet - after a few days of eating a lot of fibre, my symptoms will get worse, back to low fibre and my symptoms return to their normal level after a couple more days. The quantity of food I eat also affects me, as does eating too much rich (fatty) food. But I don't have a bad reaction to any particular food - the way I respond to my diet is more of a long term response to my overall diet rather than how people with true food allergies have an immediate, obvious reaction. My digestive symptoms do get worse after eating, but not in a response to specific foods, simply to the process of consuming anything.

I would see your doctor about getting a lactose intolerance test if you think dairy is a problem. And ask about coeliac and whether it would be worth you going back on gluten in order to get an accurate test result, as I think you're correct that the main test for coeliac disease can come back as a false negative if you've not consumed gluten for a long period of time. If you're struggling to eat and it looks like certain foods are upsetting your digestive system, I agree with nogutsnoglory that you might want to ask about getting some liquid food supplements, which are milkshake-style drinks that contain all the nutrients you need in a form that for most people is easy to digest (there are a lot of threads on this in the Diet forum; I believe you can get lactose free supplements too). It's important to make sure your diet provides you with everything you need. Cutting too many things out is not going to help your health either. I think you have to watch for whether you are consistently having obvious reactions to particular foods, and don't give up any food unnecessarily. This is especially important if you're losing too much weight - a restrictive diet when you're already struggling to eat is not a good idea.
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