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- Sep 7, 2013
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Ok so I had a follow up with my GI today, (after having been in hospital for 2 days getting test done) He said all my tests came back good, no inflammation or signs of crohns or other auto immune diseases. He did pillcam/endoscope/colonoscopy as well as blood work/stool tests/ CT scan. Since everything has come back good (except for the fact that I have a white blood cell count of 13,000) he is leaning towards things just being a virus that has attacked my gut as well as IBS. Just curious if anyone else has ever dealt with a ‘virus issue.’ Also, just really depressing, don’t know if anyone on here has any ideas as to food intolerances. I have been GF for more than a year now, so I know any kinds of tests there would be messed up. I also recently went soy free. Ive fought being dairy (all dairy) since 2008 but I love cheese so that’s been a hard battle, but I am DF now. Anywho so I have a major problem with wanting to eat and even having an appetite ( I am not bulimic and don’t have issues of that nature) I just simply am not hungry or I make food and take to bits and cant eat more, even the small meals thur out the day is still forcing food down me. Im getting close to having lost 20lbs and I didn’t weight that much to begin with. I ask about the food intolerance because for dinner I had made completely from scratch (even the seasoning) chicken fajitas I actually did really good eating! Had it on corn hard shells since im GF about 15ish mins after eating got super nausea and puked everything I ate. Still dealing with the nausea and now have a pretty good migraine too, got pretty chilled too. Didn’t know if anyone knew much about food intolerance with corn or not or could point me somewhere. Getting so sick of not being able to eat and actually enjoy and keep food down. Guess its back to basic foods again tomorrow yet again.