Could these be Methotrexate side effects?

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May 30, 2012
Okay my fellow metho users.....

Ryan has had bruising at the injection site on his left leg. I can't even stick his right leg because it hurts so bad. Then today, he had a major nose bleed. He has NEVER had a nose bleed before.

Any ideas? Am I smoking something to think these are side effects?
I do believe I read that nose bleeds were a side effect somewhere, let me see if I can find it again. I will post it if I do.
So he has pain on both legs? I used to get bruises from injecting but I only ever injected on the left leg. It felt weird for some reason to inject on the right leg and I always felt like it was more comfortable to inject on the left side, with my right hand.

I see that you're in Alabama so this more than likely wouldn't apply to you, but when I was on metho. I would get nose bleeds if I went outside in the winter when the air was really dry. I don't know if it was the air or the metho. but it was only in the winter when I went outside after being in. Is it cold/dry there right now?
I found this site but this wasn't the the site I was talking about. I will keep looking through my stuff.

Methotrexate.(<--click here for link to slide show) It is near the bottom of the ppt.
C had a nosebleed about a month after starting MTX(pills) and that is when I looked it up. But it never happened again so...not sure.
It is the highlighted word methotrexate, sorry I'll go back and put in a click here.
Yeah I missed that part lol.

Mine could have been coincidence as well because here in Canada we get very cold/dry winters so going outside can really mess with you. I started my methotrexate in the late Fall however so I guess there's no really way to determine which one was to blame
Yeah, C deals with allergies so that could have been the culprit in his situation.
Ryan does have allergies, so that's a possibility although he has had them all his life but never a nose bleed.

It is in the 70's here, but the pollen is kicking up really well! This is just a new symptom for him.

Only his right leg hurts, like he came out of the chair when I stuck him hurt! His left bruises on the injection site. All of this started 2 weeks ago.
"Methotrexate can affect blood clotting, for example by reducing the number of platelets (blood cells that assist with clotting). If you find that you bruise or bleed easily, have nose bleeds, or have blood spots or rashes on the skin, stop taking your methotrexate and contact your doctor immediately."

From the link Clash...I will probably touch base with the GI tomorrow just in case. I don't want to go out of town with him in a few weeks if this might get worse. THANKS! I may be off my rocker, but I'd rather be safe...
Absolutely, better safe than sorry! Do call the GI tmrw. In the meantime, I think kimmidwife 's daughter had nosebleeds too but am not sure if she was on metho at the time. :hug:
I would definitely call and run the symptoms by the doc, I don't think that is off your rocker at all! The only reason I didn't was ne aide C had nosebleeds even before CD.
Thanks Sascot and Farmwife! I didn't hear back today...I called too late in the day. Will probably hear tomorrow. Keep ya posted. I hope your kiddos are doing okay!
Just wanted to say hi and thinking of you guys.i am curious to see what the GI will say I hope he calls you back tomorrow.
Okay, so the GI called me yesterday afternoon and I didn't hear the phone ring because it was in my back pocket and I was driving. :eek: I knew my booty was vibrating for some reason!

So I talked to them today and GI is out of town until Monday (spring break). Nurse said GI would probably just say keep an eye to see if nose bleed happens again. We both felt like if a nose bleed were going to occur, it would be Sun-Tues since that's close to injection time. Nurse said to change injection sites until she talks to GI (have to give shot tomorrow).

Gotta get this ironed out before our trip to D.C. in a few weeks. Don't want to try out a DC hospital :eek2:

Thanks for all your support ladies. Ryan is otherwise doing fabulous, so we are blessed!
AYR gel-
over the counter-
ask your ped about it-since not a doc just a mom
everyone gets nose bleeds here - due to allergies - worse after a cold- add in nasal steriods and ugh.

AYR gel keeps things moist and reduces the amount of nose bleeds
the kids allergist told me about it.
Okay ladies, urgent advice needed! :eek2: :eek2:

Today is the day for Ryan's methotrexate shot. He is running a fever 101.4. Do I give the shot or not? I have NO idea why he is running the fever, no other symptoms at the moment except for being tired.
When C ran a fever a couple of months ago I called the GI and let her know. I called the GI nurse because we were 3 days away from MTX dosage and he was having fever she said to wait at least 2 days from his first fever free day. Not sure if that applies in every situation but we were thinking his might be leading up t sinus infection.
I am going to wait until tomorrow at least and check his temp then.

Another nose bleed tonight :voodoo::voodoo:
Is he just on MTX now or did I read you recently added Humira? I could have that wrong as everything swirls through my mind at times!

Oh no not another nose bleed! I hope it is nothing and the fever subsides quickly.
Ryan is on methotrexate only. Humira is our next option...I have mentioned it before, so you aren't losing your mind or anything.

Fever down to 99.5 when he went to bed. We will see what tomorrow morning brings.

Thanks Clash!
Have you called the GI service? From what I remember we were told not to give methotrexate with in 24 hours of a fever.
Thanks Kim. I haven't called the GI because I talked to them Friday, but that was before the fever. Reading the link, I notice Ryan has a sore throat and cough too (could all still be a bug). Need to decide if I will call the GI on call tomorrow or wait until they call me Monday. I should probably call to see if it's safe to give the shot at least.

Don't you know we're supposed to go on a big trip in 3 weeks!!!!
Don't wait until Monday. I would call tomorrow and speak with the on call doc. Tht is what they are there for and this is a pretty straightforward question that they should be able to answer.
I spoke to the GI on call. He said go ahead and give the shot given that Ryan's last bloodwork was great and his fever is low grade. I have to follow up with his regular GI tomorrow. He seems to be doing fine...nothing an all day video game fest can't cure :luigi: :mario2: :yoshijumpjoy:
Glad he seems to be doing fine and C is on an xbox live fest right now too so we haven't seen or heard from him(except the occasional yelp) all day.
I found out that band camp is a different week than Camp Oasis, so I am working on Ryan (and Dad) for camp. Will keep you posted. Would love for them to meet. I think Ryan would have a great time and maybe one day make a great counselor.

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