Hi, my name is Michael and I am from Australia.
Since 1999 I have experienced upper abdominal pain and have not got a clear diagnosis. When it first appeared, I saw a few doctors and and had many tests but nothing came up except for reflux oesophagitis which I have been treated for with high dosage PPIs.
I have since had normal endoscopys and normal colonoscopys.
Shortly after the pain started in 1999, I developed pain in my lower back which was diagnosed as sacroilitis and told I had undifferentiated spondyloathopathy.
I have since had regular other arthritic problems in other joints and inflamation in my eyes.
My current symptoms are very painful upper abdominal pain, lower back pain SI joints, fatigue.
I do not have diarrhea, I do not pass blood and I am not losing weight.
In 2002 I had a small bowel enema which was normal.
In 2004 I had labelled white cell study which was normal.
I keep an open mind about the possibility about having crohns. I am not saying I have it, but I am not saying I do not have it.
I think it is a possibility because of my inflammatory joint disease which appeared a few months after the upper abdominal pain started.
Although I do have a reflux problem, I believe it is under control with the PPI medication I take and all follow up endoscopys have shown that it is under control.
The abdominal pain has become very severe over the past 2 months. The doc ordered a CT scan which came showing inflammation of the stomach and the duodeum. I am not sure if this is the cause of my pain.
If I suggest crohns to a doctor they dismiss it and tend to diagnose IBS.
What do people think? Are there other tests I should be asking for? Could this be crohns? Is there any point in doing these tests again?
Thankyou for reading me post.
Since 1999 I have experienced upper abdominal pain and have not got a clear diagnosis. When it first appeared, I saw a few doctors and and had many tests but nothing came up except for reflux oesophagitis which I have been treated for with high dosage PPIs.
I have since had normal endoscopys and normal colonoscopys.
Shortly after the pain started in 1999, I developed pain in my lower back which was diagnosed as sacroilitis and told I had undifferentiated spondyloathopathy.
I have since had regular other arthritic problems in other joints and inflamation in my eyes.
My current symptoms are very painful upper abdominal pain, lower back pain SI joints, fatigue.
I do not have diarrhea, I do not pass blood and I am not losing weight.
In 2002 I had a small bowel enema which was normal.
In 2004 I had labelled white cell study which was normal.
I keep an open mind about the possibility about having crohns. I am not saying I have it, but I am not saying I do not have it.
I think it is a possibility because of my inflammatory joint disease which appeared a few months after the upper abdominal pain started.
Although I do have a reflux problem, I believe it is under control with the PPI medication I take and all follow up endoscopys have shown that it is under control.
The abdominal pain has become very severe over the past 2 months. The doc ordered a CT scan which came showing inflammation of the stomach and the duodeum. I am not sure if this is the cause of my pain.
If I suggest crohns to a doctor they dismiss it and tend to diagnose IBS.
What do people think? Are there other tests I should be asking for? Could this be crohns? Is there any point in doing these tests again?
Thankyou for reading me post.