You CAN get ALL of the things found in supplements in natural amounts in various natural foods. Even creatine can be found in red beef.
The problem, the amount of food needed to get the same amount of building blocks is often too much to be considered useful. Additionally, at times, your body needs the BCAA or what not, and not the other macros at the time - by taking the BCAA in isolation, it gets digested more easily and gets applied and used in your system more efficiently.
Thats not to say you NEED supplements if you are eating right, but it is to say that supplements, for what they are worth, make things not only a lot easier, but a lot more efficient as well.
Which is easier, taking some BCAA powder post workout, or baking some chicken? In the same thread, which is easier for your body to access - having to digest the chicken completely to gain access to the BCAA amounts (there is a whole lot of digestive enzyme actioning going on - some enzymes canceling out others, meaning that at times eating natural foods, your body will simply pass what it cant out) or just ingesting the BCAA straight out, with the digestive enzymes only having to deal with the BCAA involved?