I am 23 years old. I was diagnosed last year that I have Crohn's disease. My husband and I were overseas and life was crazy he was deploying and I was going home to visit for a little while. Things had really changed since I had been home last and it was hard. Well long story short I went back overseas early. A week later I was told my brother had committed suicide. I was devastated went back home and my husband was able to take emergency leave and be by my side. We stayed with my in-laws I kept feeling more and more sick nothing was helping my fevers or stomach cramps. I just thought it was all the stress from the last several months. My mother in-law is a Nurse Practitioner and told me if I didn't feel better she wanted me to go to the hospital were she worked. I went and I drank some stuff (don't remember the name of it) and I think I got a ct scan. They told me I had Crohn's disease. I was so upset because I am already lactose in tolerant and have endometriosis. What a hot mess I am at 23 years old. I think managing stress is almost impossible for me. Since I worry about the littlest things in life. When we came back to the UK I saw a great GI doctor and had a colonoscopy and I had an endoscopy done too. October was confirmed I did have Crohn's disease. The GI doctor was great and I wanted to try at nage it with diet. I feel like I am very strict at following a simple diet. However, even the littlest stress I feel like that does me over. I am still learning so much. What medications have people tried that they feel have really helped? Any advice would be great!