Crohn's 23 years old found out last year.

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Aug 18, 2013
I am 23 years old. I was diagnosed last year that I have Crohn's disease. My husband and I were overseas and life was crazy he was deploying and I was going home to visit for a little while. Things had really changed since I had been home last and it was hard. Well long story short I went back overseas early. A week later I was told my brother had committed suicide. I was devastated went back home and my husband was able to take emergency leave and be by my side. We stayed with my in-laws I kept feeling more and more sick nothing was helping my fevers or stomach cramps. I just thought it was all the stress from the last several months. My mother in-law is a Nurse Practitioner and told me if I didn't feel better she wanted me to go to the hospital were she worked. I went and I drank some stuff (don't remember the name of it) and I think I got a ct scan. They told me I had Crohn's disease. I was so upset because I am already lactose in tolerant and have endometriosis. What a hot mess I am at 23 years old. I think managing stress is almost impossible for me. Since I worry about the littlest things in life. When we came back to the UK I saw a great GI doctor and had a colonoscopy and I had an endoscopy done too. October was confirmed I did have Crohn's disease. The GI doctor was great and I wanted to try at nage it with diet. I feel like I am very strict at following a simple diet. However, even the littlest stress I feel like that does me over. I am still learning so much. What medications have people tried that they feel have really helped? Any advice would be great!
I am 23 years old. I was diagnosed last year that I have Crohn's disease. My husband and I were overseas and life was crazy he was deploying and I was going home to visit for a little while. Things had really changed since I had been home last and it was hard. Well long story short I went back overseas early. A week later I was told my brother had committed suicide. I was devastated went back home and my husband was able to take emergency leave and be by my side. We stayed with my in-laws I kept feeling more and more sick nothing was helping my fevers or stomach cramps. I just thought it was all the stress from the last several months. My mother in-law is a Nurse Practitioner and told me if I didn't feel better she wanted me to go to the hospital were she worked. I went and I drank some stuff (don't remember the name of it) and I think I got a ct scan. They told me I had Crohn's disease. I was so upset because I am already lactose in tolerant and have endometriosis. What a hot mess I am at 23 years old. I think managing stress is almost impossible for me. Since I worry about the littlest things in life. When we came back to the UK I saw a great GI doctor and had a colonoscopy and I had an endoscopy done too. October was confirmed I did have Crohn's disease. The GI doctor was great and I wanted to try at nage it with diet. I feel like I am very strict at following a simple diet. However, even the littlest stress I feel like that does me over. I am still learning so much. What medications have people tried that they feel have really helped? Any advice would be great!

i heard humira helps crohn's or talk to your GI...right now i am taking prednisones until i get humira!
I am back on a round of prednisone myself. I am waiting to go to a new GI doctor since we just got back to the states.
I am so sorry to hear what happened to your brother it must have been incredibly difficult for you and your family. Stress is not good for anyone's over all helth let alone trying to deal with a chronic condition, I have found writting has really helped me with tough times and also venting on this forum as it feels good to get everything out to people who understand what it is like.
It is great that you are trying to get better with changing your diet but sometimes people need just a little bit extra just to get them feeling better. There are so many options for medications have the GI dr's suggested anything to you yet?
I am 24 and sometimes I think that my body is a right mess but when I am on a medication that works I almost feel normal and can go back to what I was doing before.
I really hope you find a medication that works for you x
Thank you. It has definitely been a challenge like I am sure it has been for many. I am so glad I found this forum because I feel its been really hard to find some support.
I, too, am on prednisone getting ready to start Humira. If you go through their patient assistance program you can possibly get it for free. This happened for me. The drug company is paying for it for a full year. I hope all of you find the relief you need!
I'm so sorry to her about your brother!
I am the same age as you, and I recently got diagnosed with Crohn's as well. I'm trying to figure it all out food wise which hasnt been easy. I am taking Pentasa but it just isnt doing the trick!
Hey there Beauty, I just wanted to say hey and show some support. You can see what I'm taking in my signature, but treatment for Crohn's is going to vary widely from person to person. I realize that isn't much help, but you should remain optimistic that you'll find something that works well for you and helps keep your IBD in check.

I also wanted to chime in because I lost my younger brother to suicide a little over a decade ago; he was 19, and I was 21 at the time. Although life is different from that point forward, believe me when I say that things will get better. Hang in there kiddo.