Crohn's and Colitis UK walks 2013

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Oooh! I rather fancy going on the London one. I'll drag a friend or two with me, though, since London freaks me out a little (especially weird, since I spent the first three years of my life there!)
I think I'm going to do the London walk, my sister says she'll do it with me and I'll try and drag my Mum round too!
Wooh! It should be fun :) I keep trying to find out whether it's a sponsored walk and whether walkers are supposed to raise money for doing it or whether it's just for fun/to raise awareness. What does everyone think? I reckon I'm gna look good sporting one of those bright red NACC t-shirts lol
I had some friends who did this a few years ago. It's in June, I think I might try and do this one. Thanks for sharing Hannah! :)
No probs! I think it'll be fun, I've never met any other people with Crohn's before, (except on this forum of course), so it should be a nice atmosphere.

I've also got my first meeting with the Bedford and Milton Keynes Crohn's and Colitis support group on Thursday, I'm looking forward to meeting some new people and I'm hoping I can inject a bit of enthusiasm into the committee because from the emails I think their group is flagging a bit!
Hannah-rose hope it goes well! Im the same ive never met anyone before either except for my Nan lol!! let us know how your meeting goes! i think id be too scared to go to one lol x
Good luck with the Crohn's and Colitis meet on Thursday Hannah. Not too far from Bedford and Milton Keynes myself, where are you guys meeting up?
We're meeting at The Swan in Bromham for the committee meeting, I got involved because I became a member of the NACC and I wanted to join a support group so I emailed my local one and they said they were always looking for new members for the organising committee, quite handy really because my IBD nurse will be there tomorrow night and I need to ask some questions about my Humira lol
Thanks for the info. I've never actually been an NACC member, but I didn't realise they had a local support group and committee. I'll look to look into that. Cheers! :):)
Hey! I've signed up to volunteer at the walk, you should sign up too! Or if you decide to walk the walk, we should definitely meet up :)
Me, my husband, mum and sister (and her friend with UC) are going to be doing the London walk. NACC sent us through sponsorship forms so we'll be collecting donations but the main reason doing it is do raise awareness and hopefully raise some money at the same time.
Yeah I'm going to walk it! :) We should meet up hannah :) I'll try and find you where ever you are helping out! What will you be wearing? A red NACC top just like everyone else? :p I'll defo be able to pick you out amongst the crowd! :p
Good luck everyone - have a great day!

I'm afraid I can't help being reminded of Monty Python's Silly Olympiad - the Marathon for Incontinence! (it's on Youtube)

I hope there's lots of Portaloos!

Oh well - If we can't laugh at ourselves.....
I already signed up with my parents - but then school sprung on us that it's the date of our Duke of Edinburgh's expedition, so now I can't go. Booo! Have fun for me, though :D
Aw but DofE will be fun! Which are you doing, bronze, silver or gold?

Yes we should meet! I'm not sure where I'll be but I can give you my number and we can text to arrange it. Haha yes I'll be in a red tshirt ;)

It's not too late to sign up they're still looking for walkers and volunteers!
I very much doubt it, it starts at Victoria Embankment Gardens. You're much better off getting the train to London and using the underground to get around.
The London walk is in just under two weeks! My volunteer info came through :) I will be at the event from about 11am and volunteering until the walk ends (not sure what time that will be?) Anyone interested in organising a little meetup? I'm not sure what time I'll be done but hopefully not too late x
I did the London walk today with some of my uni friends! :) And of course managed to bump into the lovely hannah-rose :)

When my friends send me the pics I'll put on here the one of us :)

Was a rly nice day out apart from the pollen count must have been so high!! I had a coughing fit and my eyes are still itchy! I am never usually effected that bad!

Anyone else on here do the walk today??
I did!!

The pollen was so bad plus I wasn't feeling well either. I muscled through though and it was brilliant. I'm going to be doing this every year now (health permitting obviously)

I was in the blue group leaving at 12.05pm doing the Westminster route.
We were in the blue group too. I walked with my daughter who is 10 and has Crohn's disease, and my mum & dad. We had to bring crutches as Ella has been having joint problems. We had a great day, but I have to agree it felt like ' the attack of the killer pollen' we felt like we had splinters in our eyes and had coughing fits too.
Ella had the most beautiful face painting done, which she has managed to keep on overnight.
Yeah I saw some of the face painting it was really lovely :)

I don't know about you but I didn't feel like they really needed to stagger the groups. There wasn't really that many of us and we ended up walking basically on our own because everyone gets split up anyway.
Yes I agree, sometimes we lost sight of other walkers especially amongst the tourists, and got a bit confused when to turn into one of the parks. But luckily saw the volunteers before going totally wrong. They did a great job x
Maybe :) I was with my husband, sister and mum and we were right at the back of the blue group.

I actually think it was a bit confusing at times as to where you needed to go next. Pretty sure we went a weird way at the end but we were just following other walkers.

I would have liked to stay and met others with IBD but my sister couldn't deal with the pollen at the park plus I'm not very brave!

Also, Stephyjane, you are very near me. I'm from Wellingborough

We really wanted to stay aswell, but with the pollen and the fact that Ella has t been too good recently.( she had been in hospital for the whole day before) we decided to head back to Northampton. Next year I would like to take a picnic and stay longer as I would like Ella to meet other children so she doesn't feel so alone. We don't know any other child Ella's age with IBD.
Wellingborough is so close to us, you must have been just behind us walking 😊
Hey guys so glad you all enjoyed the day! I agree the pollen was a killer, I was sat in St James's park all day and my eyes were so sore by the end :( next year we want warm but not too hot NON WINDY weather and no rain! It was a shame it was raining because the band were playing after but no one wanted to hang about outside.

Holly did you ever get that photo of us? Sorry this reply is quite long overdue!
