Crohn's and Colostomy. Swimming and Transport

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Jun 8, 2009
Hi I'm 55 and have had my colostomy for Crohn's since my 21st Birthday june 1977 prior to my opp I went swimming 2 or 3 times a week and I haven't been since due to embarrassment and the fear of my bag falling of in the pool I've had lots of people say it'll be fine and wear shorts but that dosn't take away the fear. I guess i'll have to win the lottery and buy an house with a pool lol. I also hate public transport as once my bag filled up and burst on a bus that was stuck in traffic what a day that was terrible. I also got stuck in traffic in my car big tailback finished work at 4.30pm and got home 8.00pm was only 15 miles could have walked it quicker but couldn't leave car on motorway bag burst not a prety sight so quit that job for fear of it happening again. So if I go on trips I don't eat ''what if I get stuck in traffic'' is my first thoughts so my family hate me cause I don't go bit long winded I know but these are my worries. Is there anyone else that feels like this.?:sign0085:
I only had my ileostomy in july, I understand a colostomy may be different in some ways.

but before that I used to love swimming and it was one of the things I thought I'd never do again. I found it very hard at first.. But I bought a rash vest type shirt that is for swimming, a waistband to help keep everything in place (not that i need it, it just helps me feel more secure..) and off I went to the gym, I make sure i empty my bag before i go in the pool and off i go. I now go swimming atleast twice a week, I go in the jacuzzi and steam room, no one says anything, no one even questions why I have a swimming shirt on... Theres a disabled shower room where i can have a quick shower pop on a clean t shirt then go back into the changing rooms to my locker and get changed as normal, no one would ever know. and I'm so glad I did it and now can go and enjoy swimming without a care in the world.

After leaving it so long I guess that your anxietys and fears will only get worse, but the only way to get rid of that fear is to actually get in that pool and find out for yourself that everything will be fine. The first time i went in the pool i was so nervous, constantly checking my bag to see if it was coming loose or starting to hang off, But the more i went, the more i realised that everything would be fine. I always take spare stuff in my bag just incase anything where to happen, but i take the same bag with me everywhere, whether it be swimming, or going to watch a rugby match or even the cinema's, just incase, but i haven't needed it yet.
Hi Robin thanks for quick reply I've had these fears for so long now a couple of years ago I bought a pair of swimming shorts and thought right this is it i'm going to do it but fears got the better of me and I chickened out but I said to my wife I would love to go swimming before I pop my clogs lol. I was thinking of writing to one of the ostomy companies to see if they ever thought of doing one of there product events at a swimming pool and maybe i'd go and there are probably a lot of ostomists that would love it.

Thanks Chris
Aww Chris, that's awful that you've wanted to go swimming since 1977 but were too nervous? In my opinion you've already made the hardest step.. trying to find help to do it. The mind is a very powerful thing and if we want it bad enough, we can over come our fears. I have always had an awful eye phobia and in December I finally plucked up the courage to get contacts. Also mainly because I had taken up running. Running blind or with glasses on is hard! Looking at laser eye surgery websites still freaks me out but maybe one day I'll be brave enough to get laser eye surgery too.

I've only had my ileostomy for 6 weeks so it's still all new to me but I'm determined to do as much as I can early on- jumping in the deep end if you like! So I don't hold myself back from things in life. It didn't help that the first time I went out of the house for a decent amount of time since my op, my bag ended up leaking! But I made sure I went out lots of times after that so I knew that I wouldn't leak all the time.

But anyway, back to you. Do you take baths with your bag on? I've had a few and although it's not quite the same as swimming, but you can see how the bag reacts to being in the water and that nothing comes lose. Did you know that the adhesive on the bag actually becomes stronger in warm water? That means it's actually less likely to come off while you are swimming. I think deep down you know that you'll be ok to swim. It's just nerve wracking to actually go and try it. Have you tried maybe calling your local swimming pool and explain the situation to them and ask to go into the pool 10 minutes earlier than when they open to the public? That way you could get in and see how you feel without worrying about anyone looking or being around. Then if you feel comfortable you can continue your swim or know you can just get out if you don't like it. I bet once you go once and realise it's ok, there'll be no stopping you!

I also don't blame you for being nervous about public transport now! But I also think there could be ways around that too, to know you have back up options if you feel like your bag will burst again. I'm guessing you wear a closed ended back if you have a colostomy? If so, is there anyway way you could wear an open ended one for times when you are going to be out of the house for a while? I've seen some product, not sure if they are bags or something, that you can use to empty your bag if you can't get to a toilet. Obviously wearing the largest bag possible if you are going to be away from a toilet for a long period of time wil probably help. Also do you wear a one or two piece? If you wear a two piece then it's easier to just swap your bags over. Ie if you are in a traffic jam in your car, you can just sit there and swap the bags over really easily with minimal fuss. Obviously making sure you have disposable bags too to put the old bag into. These are probably things you've thought of anyway but just what I would try.

I hope you get to have that swim anyway! If I lived closer I would come with you and we could have our first post op swims together! :)
Forgot to add what misty has already mentioned about going in the bath. I actually had a few baths before going swimming, as as misty says, you will get used to knowing how the bag acts in water, albeit a little different to swimming. But as she says the adhesive does actually become stronger when its in warm water, at one point i actually got in the bath with my shorts and the top i wear on just to see what i would look like when wet.

Good luck and i really hope you can manage to swim again soon. Believe me you'll never look back! :)
Hi Chris and welcome. While I can't relate, I'm sure many on this forum can. In case you haven't seen it yet, we have a stoma support forum that you may want to check out. Many there have no doubt felt what you're feeling.

I'm so glad you joined and hope you stick around :)
Hi Thank You Robin, Michelle and David for all your positive thoughts on how to resolve my problems I already use a 2 piece drainable bag the largest one. I did think of draining my bag whilst sat in traffic but I had a coach full of people at the side of me that could see into my car. I have tried sitting in the bath all was well till I stood up the bag came away, but as this was a few years ago and bags and adhesive have changed a lot will have to fill the bath and maybe give that another go fingers crossed lol. Think I will also have a look at the Stoma support group Thanks Again Chris:)

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