Crohns and Hysterectomy??

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Aug 22, 2010
Hi all I was diagnosed almost 3 years ago with crohns, and since that original flare it has been in remission with the meds that I take. I have just been to see my gyneacologist and he has suggested I have a Hysterectomy, I agree this would be the best thing for me, but am very worried that it will make the crohns reappear!! has anyone had a hysterectomy with crohns and if so what happened, did the crohns worsen or flare or did things remain the same???? this is my main worry. thanks to anyone who replies in advance :confused2:
Hi greshna and :welcome:

I have no personal experience with this but there are certainly others on here that have and many say it's the best thing they ever did! I'm sure they will be along soon to let you know how they got on. I hope you stick around 'cause there's load of info and support here and it's a safe and friendly place to hang out.

Welcome aboard!

All the best, :)
Welcome, greshna!

Astra101 has a lovely thread on this very topic!! :

I think most women who actually go through with a hysto find that some of their symptoms subside, or at the very least, do not flare during their menses.

Hopefully you will find the answers, and relief, you need!

Hi greshna, I had a hysterectomy in Feb of this year and was diagnosed with Crohns in June of this year. I was on Lialda before the surgery which was done because the Drs thought my tumors were pressing on my colon and causing the pain.
After the surgery I quit taking the Lialda and quickly determined I still needed to take it as the D came right back, however the pain and pressure were definitely reduced.
The hysterectomy was a very good move for me as it turned out that I had many more tumors than the tests showed, and a severly enlarged uterus.
Good Luck...check out
I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago due to this stage I hadn't been diagnosed with Crohn's although I probably had it at the time. I didnt' notice any difference in my symptoms but like I said I didn't know I had Crohn's at the time...sorry I can't be of any assistance with it, however I will say it was the best thing I ever did too!
I have chrons and hade a partial laproscopic hysterectomy 1.5 years ago for fibroids. Recovered fine.. no flares or anything as a result of the surgery. Good luck
My gf has IBS and lactose intollerance and just recently had a hysterectomy and is suffering large with constipation I have a link she just got dx with, she isnt a happy camper, read this, cause best to be aware of it.

Good luck, keep us posted.
Welcome Greshna. Hope you enjoy the forum and find lots of good advice. Best of luck if you have surgery.