Crohns and joint pain?

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I'm no expert on this but it may be a vitamin b12 deficiency. Vitamin b12 is absorbed in the small intestines and needs gut bacteria to be properly absorbed. I can vaguely remember reading this so don't take my word for it but you can definitely know what the symptoms are from:

If deficient for a long time you can start to get nerve issues in limbs. Like I said I know very little about this but its better for me to say something than nothing at all. I got this on CCFA website for you:

Again, that depends on the extent and location of the disease. Vitamin B-12 is absorbed in the lower ileum—that means that people who have ileitis (Crohn's disease that affects the ileum) or those who have undergone small bowel surgery may have a vitamin B-12 deficiency because they are unable to absorb enough of this vitamin from their diet or from oral supplements. To correct this deficiency—which can be determined by measuring the amount of this vitamin in the blood—a monthly intramuscular injection of vitamin B-12 may be required.

Folic acid (another B vitamin) deficiency is also quite common in patients who are on the drug sulfasalazine. For these patients, the recommended dietary allowance for a folate tablet is 1 mg daily, as a supplement. For most people with chronic IBD, it is worthwhile to take a multivitamin preparation regularly. If you suffer from maldigestion or have undergone intestinal surgery, other vitamins-particularly vitamin D-may be required. Affecting as many as 68 percent of people, vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies seen in association with Crohn's disease. Vitamin D is essential for good bone formation and for the metabolism of calcium.
Spondyloarthritis tends to flare arthritis when the gut is also flaring
So in theory if fructise etc irratated the gut causes mild inflammation
Reducing that inflammation would stop the arthritis flare

DS didnt get that memo and his arthritis fkares are independant of gut flares
I know this is an old thread but it was amazing for me to read today. I've had back pain on and off for the past few years. Diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, had physical therapy, had epidural steroid injections, taken painkillers, etc. My doc at the pain management clinic referred me to a rheumatologist last month as she said with my various auto-immune issues (Crohn's, Thyroid Cancer and subsequent thyroid antibodies popping up after surgery/treatment, and chronic idiopathic hives, etc). I had my first appointment today and they took about 12 vials of blood. The rheumatologist mentioned that back pain can be caused by arthritis and inflammation of the joints. She also sent me for an x-ray of my S-1 and/or sacroiliac joint. I feel like I learn something new everyday about Crohns - the gift that keeps on giving!

She mentioned using biologics to help with both the Crohn's and inflammation but said they really aren't a good option for me at the moment as I'd need to be 5 years cancer free before she'd consider them. She mentioned the side effects of how those drugs weaken immune system and could cause other cancers. That of course scared the hell out of me. It seems to be off the table for now. She said depending on lab results we will see what we can do.
Hi Cheryl888, I wish you well, I'm sorry you have been through so much. Hope things settle down for you soon. I know we are all different, but it really did help me to watch what I eat. I eat almost no fruit, very occassional fresh pineapple and cantaloupe. Organic vegetables and whole foods diet, no processed foods etc. I limit the chemicals I use on my body and use argon oil on my face and body. It seems to be helping at the moment. My joints and all around inflammation seems better too. I hope you find the right recipe to help you heal. I am biding time until I have to start meds. Take care and best of luck to you!
Never had joint pain (besides the usual) until about a month ago. Random joints were hurting and would change daily, sometimes I couldn't drive or walk up stairs or even get undressed without horrible pain. Stayed mostly in my shoulders, knees, wrists, sometimes fingers or toes. Didn't think it had any relation to crohn's until a few days after I received Remicade. I had gone about 3 months without getting any due to a move and change in doctors. Usually I have stomach pains if I go without Remicade but didn't have that, don't know what was worse. Have an appointment with my GI doc next week so I will bring this up now that I know there is a connection. Any other pain meds didn't work, just thought something else was wrong lol. At least now maybe I can get a diagnosis on it because no other doc had a clue what it could be.
Been on Infleximab for nearly two years, always had a little in the way of sore joints and aches where I've broken bones- especially in big weather changes, hot to cold or tother way round. Always thought by the way my fingers are crooked and the pain- it was arthritis. Anyways as part of my govt' sponsored health care plan I had arthritis checks. Zip. The specialist reckons it is from overuse of body parts from a life of labouring. My doctor raises an eyebrow at the diagnosis.
The last few months, the long dull pain in my feet, knees, and now hips is slowing me up considerably. Seems a little different- so could be side-effects from the Inflexi. I'm left scratching my head- and rubbing my knees and running hot baths. But it's way, way better than having the bleeding, etc.
I've always had a little soreness in my joints, but in the last few weeks it's gone from barely noticeable to being in tears climbing the stairs and dread having to stand up. Am due my third dose of Humira on Monday so hoping that helps! Does anyone have experience of Humira's effect on joint pain?
Hi, just curious---have you tried cutting out nightshade vegetables? They are: tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant & peppers. I was having horrible joint pain in my shoulders, so bad it was hard to get dressed. Potatoes are the worst for me, tomatoes I tolerate in moderate amounts and don't do peppers or eggplant. Try removing them for a bit and see if it helps your joint pain. Take care.
My knees and ankles got really bad when I was an inpatient. I actually couldn't walk at all for a couple of days. I was on IV paracetemol, codine and morphine to cover up the pain, which was like having bolts screwed through my joints.

Since getting IV Hydrocortisone, following on with Prednisolone and now Humira, my joints have plagued me less. First of all I was just sore in the morning, but could walk it off. Now it's more like a lethargic dull feeling in the background. Barely noticeable.

I am concerned though as, once I lose the bag, I want to start running/ swimming and skateboarding again for some much needed exercise. At the minute I'm not sure I'll be able to achieve much of any of that.
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My knees and ankles got really bad when I was an inpatient. I actually couldn't walk at all for a couple of days. I was on IV paracetemol, codine and morphine to cover up the pain, which was like having bolts screwed through my joints.

Since getting IV Hydrocortisone, following on with Prednisolone and now Humira, my joints have plagued me less. First of all I was just sore in the morning, but could walk it off, now it's more like a lethargic dull feeling in the background. Barely noticeable.

I am concerned though as, once I loose the bag, I want to start running/ swimming and skateboarding again for some much need exercise. At the minute I'm not sure I'll be able to achieve much of any of that.
Wishing you the best.
Hi guys, just wondering if anyone has any experience with joint pain? at the moment my knee's and feet are in absolutle agony and especially in a mornin i can barely walk at all. it can ease off a bit during the day but at the moment its terrible and really getting me down, could it possibly be arthiritis or something else?

also any tips on how i can ease it?

I have this too, my rheumatologist and GI doctors dx'd enteropathic arthritis. Unfortunately for me the joint and pain in my feet are usually a precursor to a flare. Tylenol Arthritis, warm baths with Epsom salts and capsaicin cream help ease the pain, as does prescription Deltasone injections or pills, which usually head off the bowel flare as well.
It’s the autoimmune side of the Crohn’s. I get horrible joint flare ups with fatigue and nodules with black and blue marks all over my skin. Prednisone is wonderful but you can’t live on it; adverse effects with age and bone density. My doc swears against Ibuprofen. Watch Tramadol! It’s highly addictive (in some people more than stronger opioids.) It’s a synthetic opiate and binds to brain receptors differently and more severely in some people than other pain meds. Taking even 1-2 for more than a few weeks can cause horrible withdrawal. Taper! Honestly, unless I’m having a very severe episode, non impactful exercise with stretching is the best thing. When you can, light weights, high reps. The muscles around those joints need built up. Keeps you loosened up. Watch the sugar and load the vitamins/minerals, especially chelated Magnesium. Lean protein; good carbs.
I am a Crohnie, joint pain sufferer also. My knees and wrist are always painful and swollen. I have yet to figure out what works for me. I don't take ibuprofen because it makes my other symptoms worse.
@crohnie 3
Have you seen a rheumatologist?
Swollen painful joins can be arthritis associated with ibd
A rheumatologist can help with meds.
It took years to get my son’s arthritis under control
He takes Stelara (which treats his crohns and arthritis) plus methotrexate (for arthritis)
And Celebrex (which is the only nsaid that does not make his symptoms worse -he tried about three different ones )

Good luck 🍀
Hi guys, just wondering if anyone has any experience with joint pain? at the moment my knee's and feet are in absolutle agony and especially in a mornin i can barely walk at all. it can ease off a bit during the day but at the moment its terrible and really getting me down, could it possibly be arthiritis or something else?

also any tips on how i can ease it?
I haven’t had joint pain in a continuous sense, but I have had the weakening of my joints by which they feel as though they need to be strengthened. I have been taking Joint + Mobility capsules and my joints feel way better. I’m not sure if you would benefit from such a thing as this. If you have some sort of nerve pain or arthritis I wouldn’t know if these capsules would do anything, that is out of my knowledge since I do have Chron’s but not currently any arthritis type pain. I hope you recover robbo87!
I have Chrohns and have been playing tennis 3 times a week for the past 4 years. My knees and ankles are very sore in the mornings and late at night. I have read through the advice here and am going to take more vitamin C, folic acid and curcumin. Hopefully, this might be helpful, however, I am 51 now so I am unsure if this is just being a bit older or possibly Chrohns related.