Crohns and the symptoms?

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Jan 25, 2010
Firstly, I'd like to just say a quick hello to everyone here. I'm new here and just wanted to say what a great forum this is, some of the things scared me and some made me feel better. Also I hope this is in the right section.

I was diagnosed with Crohns about three years ago after suffering from very bad periods of stomach pains and vomiting. I used to get an "attack" about every 3 months or so. It would usually being at night, starting off with really bad stomach pains and then vomitting. Things would usually got better after about 12 hours or so or sometimes after I had vomited (what felt like) everything out of me! It was a sudden relief from the pain and discomforted and I found it so strange at first.

After many many many tests the doctors diagnosed me with Crohns and put me on medication (Budesonide and Pentasa) which seemed to make things a little better and I was free from an "attack" for about 7 months. However, recently I've had a few "attacks" in a period of two weeks and it's getting me down (hence the reason why I registered on here).

Anyway to get to the point... are my symptoms relating to Crohns. I've been reading up on it a lot and even on here people mention needing the loo and worrying about having a toilet nearby but that's not been the case for me. In fact I rarely use the toilet!

Also vomiting isn't mentioned much in the symptoms relating to Crohns and especially having "attacks" which last for such a short period of time.

And lastly, if it is Chrons, why do I have these "attacks" there must be something triggering it... maybe overeating, strange foods, etc etc.

Sorry for all the questions cos I'm at a loss at the moment on how I can get these really bad pains, vomit like crazy and then after a few hours I'm fine.
:welcome: Quaium. Do you know where your disease is located exactly? Do you know if you have any narrowed/strictured areas? Seems like most (but not all certainly) of the vomiting that I hear about is either drug related or if a person gets partially or fully obstructed/blocked. May not be your case if you seem to have this happen one day and then feel fine for weeks afterward. Some Crohnies are more prone to constipation rather than diarrhea - so don't feel that not having diarrhea all the time doesn't qualify you as having Crohn's. The docs should have seen ulcers somewhere in your digestive tract to give you your diagnosis.
Sorry that you're struggling with your symptoms so much! I think often times we have no idea what causes crohns to act up some times and not others. It can occasionally be food, most people have a list of foods they stay away from because it triggers symptoms, usually trial and error to figure it out. Everyone's symptoms are different, as is what food bother them, which makes this disease a bugger to figure out! Hopefully things can improve soon.
Welcome Quaium...............I have had bouts of vomiting throughout my Crohnie career. With me, the vomiting is directly related to inflammation causing obstruction. My disease is in the small bowel. I usually have sharp pains accompanying these bouts. I would let your GI doctor know what is going on. Also try keeping a food diary to see if perhaps you are eating something that is the trigger....Things that are difficult to digest, usually would obstruct me......Good luck, and if you have any more questions just ask.
Peaches said:
:welcome: Quaium. Do you know where your disease is located exactly? Do you know if you have any narrowed/strictured areas? Seems like most (but not all certainly) of the vomiting that I hear about is either drug related or if a person gets partially or fully obstructed/blocked. May not be your case if you seem to have this happen one day and then feel fine for weeks afterward. Some Crohnies are more prone to constipation rather than diarrhea - so don't feel that not having diarrhea all the time doesn't qualify you as having Crohn's. The docs should have seen ulcers somewhere in your digestive tract to give you your diagnosis.

I think my disease is located in the lower intestines but I'm not 100% sure. As for narrowing/strictured areas im not sure of that.

It's strange you mention the last bit about doctors seeing ulcers somewhere in my digestive tract to give me a diagnosis because I was diagnosed after having a Barium Follow Through and I didn't think that was a test that showed ulcers!
imisspopcorn said:
Welcome Quaium...............I have had bouts of vomiting throughout my Crohnie career. With me, the vomiting is directly related to inflammation causing obstruction. My disease is in the small bowel. I usually have sharp pains accompanying these bouts. I would let your GI doctor know what is going on. Also try keeping a food diary to see if perhaps you are eating something that is the trigger....Things that are difficult to digest, usually would obstruct me......Good luck, and if you have any more questions just ask.

Thank you for that, going by your description I think I have the same issues. I mentioned my diesease was in the lower intestines above but I think small bowel sounds more right.

I will take up that idea of a food diary. I'm starting to think over eating is my fault, although I can't blame that because I've been okay at other times when I have over ate!
Welcome Quaium, I hope you get things sorted soon. Sounds to me like you could benefit from starting to become more informed about your disease and what is happening in your body. This is a great place for support and info about Crohn's so I hope you find it helpful :)
quaium said:
I think my disease is located in the lower intestines but I'm not 100% sure. As for narrowing/strictured areas im not sure of that.

It's strange you mention the last bit about doctors seeing ulcers somewhere in my digestive tract to give me a diagnosis because I was diagnosed after having a Barium Follow Through and I didn't think that was a test that showed ulcers!

I've had that test done a lot unfortunately. From what I remember from seeing the x-rays, that test does show inflammation and can even show ulcers. I'm surprised a scope wasn't done. Unless one was done? Did they ever give you or show you a card with pictures of the inside of your colon?

I should hope they did more than just the barium test before giving you a diagnosis. I'd get a second opinion if that's all they did.
CrabbyRelish said:
I've had that test done a lot unfortunately. From what I remember from seeing the x-rays, that test does show inflammation and can even show ulcers. I'm surprised a scope wasn't done. Unless one was done? Did they ever give you or show you a card with pictures of the inside of your colon?

I should hope they did more than just the barium test before giving you a diagnosis. I'd get a second opinion if that's all they did.

I wish that was the only test I've had done... I think I've had them all from a simple x-ray to the capsule camera test (if I have another lower endoscopy done I think I'll have to open up an endoscopy annoymous website)!

I have seen pictures of my colon but didn't quite understand what was going on. Stupidly I didn't pay much attention back then.

I'm sure they've done a proper diagnosis... it's just me trying to make myself believe it's something else and not as serious.

By the way anyone know what the best thing to do when having an "attack"? Do painkillers work? Or should I take a Budesonide/Pentasa pill? My wife used her "Relaxing Rub" (usually used to help muscle pain during periods!) the other day... it's difficult to laugh when you're in so much pain but I managed to get a smile out!
Some people can handle pain killers and some get more stomach upset. I use Advil just fine but you can also use a heating pad or laying on your side or sometimes apply light pressure like the weight of a teddy bear. I thought my teddy bear was a magic healing bear when I was a kid but it was actually the pressure that made it feel better. I'm sure they have heating pads you can strap to your body for when you're moving around.
I am on Budesonide, I call it Entocort, and on Pentasa and the gi gave me the option to stay on Flagyl. The meds you are on are for mild to moderate cases, and I have ulcers too but no narrowing...thank God. I still have a Ct scan in 2 weeks. Barium follow thrus are good mostly for narrowing, surprised they saw ulcers unless they were pertruding quite abit. Btw ignoring it wont make it go away, I tried it too, it wont work. You can leave it on the "back burner" but you may have to make a lifestyle change, especially diet.

Crabby is right using a heating pad helps, I use one almost every night, helps you sleep too. Pain killers do work but if you constipate, best to go easy on them. I have Buscopan, an antispasmotic but it doesnt do anything for me. Take care, hope you get relief and help with your Gi.
Welcome quaium... Im assuming you are taking your medication regularly?

I too am having issues at present with small attacks still trying to get my head around whether they are an actually crohn flare or a reaction to medication whether it be my crohns meds or antibiotics Im currently taking. Its a difficult disease to figure out but working out how your body reacts to certain foods will def help. I too get vomiting and extreme nausea with my crohns, I also get lose of appetite, pain in lower right abdo (although it can go from a light dull ache to stabbing at times) and then I yoyo between having the runs and being constipated! Everyone is different with what are their major symptoms and how they handle an attack. I know I generally have to go on a very bland diet for a few days and then once Im feeling better can start to introduce normal food back although I always stay away from spicy, fatty or deep fried food they just don't agree with me at all.
Oh also you mentioned the vomiting could be from over eating... I actually used to vomit a lot when I was in my late teens early 20's if I ate too much I would be running to the toilet to throw up nearly not making it. I found that the point when you know your full to your body actually realising its full is around 10 mins so I used to eat way too much then 10 mins later my body would rejected it. Might be a thought to reduce you intake in one meal and spread it over the day.
Good luck.
quaium said:
I will take up that idea of a food diary. I'm starting to think over eating is my fault, although I can't blame that because I've been okay at other times when I have over ate!

I know certain things bother me more than others...but sometimes it comes out of the clear blue yonder. I had a baked potato the other day. It had chives on it. Bam! Within 6 hours the chives were floating in the commode....Normally I have no problems with potatoes, and it never occurred to me that the small amount of chives would cause a problem......Hopefully you can narrow down what bothers you the most.

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