Crohn's Arthritis

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Sep 26, 2010
Anybody been diagnosed with Crohn's Arthritis? Just got this diagnosis recently. Having a lot of trouble with joint pain, fevers, back pain, etc. Doctor gave me pain meds, told me to continue regular exercise and take it easy when the pain is too bad. Other than is just another fun part of having CD.
Yep, me too.
I was diagnosed with Reactive arthritis (ReA), also known as Reiter's syndrome, which caused seronegative Ankylosing spondylitis. It's a mouthful. The seronegative means i don't have any rheumatoid factor. At first not having any rh factor caused problems because I didn't have a crohn's diagnose and so it was very unclear what was causing the pain. Also the first Rhemy i visit wasn't very good.
Ankylosing spondylitis: I mainly pain in my ribs and stiffness in my back, and wake up stiff and ackey.
I went to PT for awhile, which I thought helped, when I am not having a flare.
I am on Tramadol and sulfasalazine which help. Good luck
Yes, I was diagnosed about 5 years ago. It's progressively become so bad-my hands swole huge, couldn't bend my fingers. Then it moved to knees, feet, and low back. It has totally debillitated me;however Remicade has helped immensely. Yoga and Pilates are very helpful, too;warm baths with Epsom salts;deep breathing, heating pads...just a few of the treatments I use. I hope this helps you :)
I know that this is somewhat common as both diseases involve inflammation.

I have read that increasing intake of Omega-3 fat (such as through taking fish oil) and decreasing Omega-6 fat may help decrease inflammation and reduce the joint pain.
:bigwave: Ladylake, I have Crohn's Arthritis in my back, hands and feet. The arthritis in my back has made spurs that are pinching my nerves that run down to my legs. I get steroid shots in my back, and it's like a miracle. I do make sure that I exercise and stretch, and of course pain meds help. Good luck finding what works for you.

Hey Ladylake
I haven't formally been dx with Crohn's Arthritis, but I'm sure I have it. In fact, I was having some issues with my heart when I was about 8/9 yrs old and through blood tests, found out I had the Rheumatoid factor. Not particularly surprising at the time, my maternal Grandmother had Rheumatoid Arthiritis, but could explain the CD dx later in life. My biggest problem area is my back.
I to suffer from Ankylosing spondlitis and even though I have only been diagnosed with crohns since this year I have suffered with my spine for about 10 years. it was only when I was diagnosed with crohns that I was reffered to my rhumatologist and diagnosed with the arthritis. I do think it is quite common.
(sorry for the vbad
I have arthritis in my fingers, my knees, and my elbows. Worst thing is that I'm a college student taking classes that need a lot of notes to be taken, and I walk back and forth to school where my house is 2½ miles from the college.
Treating Symptoms

Thank you for the comments. I have been having a LOT of pain in my fingers and toes. My back is still like a rock when I wake up in the morning and feels like it is going to break in half from the pain.

Doctor gave me Darvacet to take for the pain. I take warm water aerobics classes. Hot towels help, hot showers and even the hot patches you can buy that stick on the area to keep the joints warm.

It is helpful to hear that others deal with the same issues and your ideas about treating it. My doctor did mention the Omega 6 and to try to eat less red meat.
I have TMJ - jaw pain, which I can attribute to Crohns. Azathioprine helped until I was unable to tolerate the nausea, ditto mecaptopurine. Methotrexate was interesting, my 90yo neighbour is on it and loves it, but it screwed my quality of life. So I've ended up on Humira which has helped me the most. When I tweak my back the only thing is to take codeine or stick an opiate patch on which gives me a gentle trickle of enough pain relief to take the edge off.
Remicade is the only thing that has provided relief; of course I'm not completely pain free but I got my life back. I was sorry I held out so long taking it!
I just got back from the emergency room with my 10 yo son. He is limping severely and has swelling on top of foot. Thought he had a stress fracture in foot. Attending suggested contusion or crohn's arthritis.

Does the arthritic pain correspond to colon inflammation? He's on Humira and pentasa I thought we were in a good place relative to the crohn's. Now I'm not 100% sure and we don't get bloodwork for another few weeks.

My son is really withdrawing within himself and I don't know if he can emotionally handle another challenge.
For me, the arthritis appears about 2 weeks up to a month prior to a bowel flare. My GI usually just starts flare meds and doesn't wait for me to have bowel symptoms; my disease can be pretty resistant to treatment.

If your son is withdrawing that might be a sign of a flare,too. I also do that, mostly because I don't feel well and I get crabby. My husband actually notices the change in my behavior before I realize it.
I haven't been diagnosed but am going to a rheumy soon for my joint pain/stiffness and to get some blood tests. It's mostly my hips, knees, hands/fingers/wrist, and my lower back (sacroiliac probably?).

I definitely feel physically older than my biological age because of the pain... can't take NSAIDs and tylenol doesn't help so I'm stuck on that part... what helps everyone?
I take Mobic, a prescription which I believe is in the NSAID family; and Methotrexate, a chemo drug that's used at a lower dose for Rheumatoid arthritis. Also prednisone injections, narcotic pain killers if needed. I also use heating pads and soak in a warm bath with 2 cups Epsom salts.

For me, nothing really works except Remicade; I can climb stairs again! :luigi:
I have joint pain and stiffness that is attributed to my Crohn's. The Remicade made it worse, the Humira was miraculous (I use that term loosely) I have no joint pain. Now I just have back pain that I think is either from the 6-MP or weaning off prednisone. Most of the time I'm not sure what is really causing all my pain. Whether it's the disease or the medications. It's a "crap" shoot. (pun intended) I gave up long ago trying to figure it out.

It's like this. I hurt, I poop, I hurt, I poop, I hurt, I poop.

Somewhere in that cycle I managed to raise two sons who have provided me with two adorable grandchildren and stay married for almost 24 years to the same man and become a pretty successful business woman.

A lot can be accomplished from a restroom if you get creative.

I have a doctor that believes in treating pain so that I don't have to suffer. So when needed I take Norco for the pain and muscle relaxers... He treats my anxiety too when I get spun out because of a vicious cycle.

And to be honest, I pray a lot. It helps me make it day by day....

Love you all for your strengths and weaknesses alike...

I wish I could find a relief for morning stiffness. I did get a nice bedside carafe, so I could take my pain meds first thing.
You can try taking your anti-inflammatory drugs right before bed; that helps me sometimes.

Also I got a memory foam mattress topper and LOVE!!!! It's pretty thick-3 inches I think, but it totally changed mornings for me. You can get them relatively cheap on Overstock, mine was $130 for a Cal King.

I hope this helps you find some relief! :)
I developed Gout earlier this year. Which was weird. I don't have any of the risk factors for that kind of arthritis. Allupurinol had helped, I haven't had a flare up for months, but I think it has permanently damaged my thumb joints. They are always stiff and painful!
I have been having terrible joint pain, on and off since July. It has gotten worse the last 2 weeks, where its to the point that getting in and out of bed, walking, or even lying in bed causes serious pain in my back, knees and hips. I am already on Remicade, but it isn't making any difference on my joints.
I am going to see my GI tomorrow about it, so hopefully I can stop popping tylenol everyday :(
I posted earlier about joint pain cause I couldn't find anything during a search. I obviously didn't search very well...

Wow, you guys are a wealth of information. I just found a Rheumy at my clinic so now just have to make the appointment between storms. Don't want to go to my local DR as she is the one that DX bursitis. I could buy that with my hips as I tend to be a klutz and fall a lot, but my hands are now swollen and I can't close them. My ring finger catches and won't work with the rest of the hand. Actually rather amusing if it didn't hurt so much!

I do leather work and this is really putting a damper on the only outlet I have for depression. Bummer!
Hi Karen, I neverthought about being a klutz as a symptom of the rheumatoid side of Crohn's until you mentioned it in your post. It makes total sense! I've been a klutz my whole life, but never attributed it to Crohn's-thanks for helping me connect the dots! :thumright:
Hi Karen, I neverthought about being a klutz as a symptom of the rheumatoid side of Crohn's until you mentioned it in your post. It makes total sense! I've been a klutz my whole life, but never attributed it to Crohn's-thanks for helping me connect the dots! :thumright:

No problemo Jeanette! I'm here to help....:lol::lol:

All kidding aside, may be I hit on something......usually the sidewalk in my case....
:ybatty: (couldn't find a light-bulb, so this will have to do)

This could explain all the freaking pain in my feet and knuckles. Jeez. I am still learning about health things. I figured since I was negative for the rheumatoid factor, that it wasn't arthritis that I was dealing with.

Time to call the doc and ask more questions!

Thanks guys!! <3

My back is still like a rock when I wake up in the morning and feels like it is going to break in half from the pain. Quote


I feel exactly the same way. I feel as if someone has poured quick dry cement through my spinal area (especially the lower back). All joints are hurting that are below the waist, with "special" pain in the hips. I know what you are going through. Although I have been to the doctor many times and no one has given me a specific diagnosis. :ywow: I think I will print out my reasearch on line. Thanks for giving me a place to start!

I posted earlier about joint pain cause I couldn't find anything during a search. I obviously didn't search very well...

Wow, you guys are a wealth of information. I just found a Rheumy at my clinic so now just have to make the appointment between storms. Don't want to go to my local DR as she is the one that DX bursitis. I could buy that with my hips as I tend to be a klutz and fall a lot, but my hands are now swollen and I can't close them. My ring finger catches and won't work with the rest of the hand. Actually rather amusing if it didn't hurt so much!

I do leather work and this is really putting a damper on the only outlet I have for depression. Bummer!

I have something with my hands -- the 2 end fingers move together in a "click" -- I believe this is called trigger finger and some of the youtube videos talk about the finger that "catches." Many of the videos offer joint stretching exercises for the hands and I've been stretching my 2 finger joints and it feels better and less of the trigger situation. There is a simple surgery they can do for the jammed finger...also on youtube that remedies it. Since developing "something which is not Rheumatoid arthritis" in my hands, I have found that I can't close a fist and looks like my ring fingers are lifting up a bit when I straighten them all out. The clicking thing is only in the morning but I'm going to continue the joint exercises.
Thank you for the comments. I have been having a LOT of pain in my fingers and toes. My back is still like a rock when I wake up in the morning and feels like it is going to break in half from the pain.

Doctor gave me Darvacet to take for the pain. I take warm water aerobics classes. Hot towels help, hot showers and even the hot patches you can buy that stick on the area to keep the joints warm.

It is helpful to hear that others deal with the same issues and your ideas about treating it. My doctor did mention the Omega 6 and to try to eat less red meat.
Sorry if I am doing this wrong, I'm new here.
I have crohns with psoriatic arthritis along with psoriasis, the arthritis got really bad last year and I got rid of it with Methotrexate.