Crohn's, Bladder, and ?

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Sep 19, 2011
Hi there I am new to here. I was recently diagnosed with Chron's earlier this year (March). They did a colonoscopy and found that my small bowl was swollen and had access mucus. So they named it Crohn's. Shortly after i had a visit with specialist and he explained to me what this means and that eventually I will need surgery some point in my life, to a point where i will no longer have a small bowl. He explained to me that food does not cause this illness but if something does bother me to simply not eat it. I was placed on medication called Salofalk and this medication made things even worse. My head was very heavy, i felt really swollen. I stopped taking the meds and I am much better off.

I don't have severe pain as many of the people in here, but i do have bloating on my right side area with some gnawing feeling in my stomach. This seems to be worse especially when i have to urinate and i can't get to a bathroom right away, or in the mornings when I wake up. So I am wondering why my bladder effects my right side so much and what can i do to alleviate the pain in the mornings. Also, does anyone recommend doing some sort of a body cleanse with Chron's disease, and how often or which one.

Thank You for The Support.
One last thing I've forgotten was.. Is it normal to always feel so tired, dizzy, and drained, There are days it's like I can't function because I am so dizzy and tired it's like I never slept at all. As you can see I have many questions sorry for that, I am just worried I may have something else along side this Illness.
hi, omega,

welcome, and i'm afraid a lot of us knnow exactly what you are speaking of when you ask of the tiredness (some of us call it extreme fatigue), the dizziness and nausea and always feeling drained is just part and parcel of crohns. i'm in sympathy with you, i also don't have too much ileum left and only half a bowel. some people do a number of days on clear fluids to see if that assuages the pain or flare up. not sure about bladder desperation, but bowel desperation, well, we all whizz to the loo.

glad you found us, i'm new here too

Best wishes
I am glad to hear that feeling dizzy and extremely tired is part of this illness, as my doctor did not reassure me that it is caused by chrons :( my bowls can act some what strange. I do go once every morning, and then there are times it becomes diarrhea.. constipation.. hard stools... and then normal. This precess seems to repeat itself often times. One other thing I would like to mention is if i take any vitamin medication to try and help my extreme tiredness it seems to make me feel even more bloated on the right side and the mornings my side hurts a lot more (ouch!) are vitamin pills a no no? There are also noted red spots on my body that seem to appear in the abdomen area first (just below the rib cage) and sometimes on my neck. Is this normal too from the Illness? My doctor said they are not shingles tho.

I am sorry if i have so many questions.. I am kind of scared on what is going on with me at times. It causes a lot of stress for me especially when i have to go out in public and i am feeling so dizzy.
hi, omega,

this is the right place for questions, although i'm new myself this month. not sure about the red spots, i don't seem to get them, unless its the joint issue, but nothing on torso, neck. my neice has some though and she just had hers diagnosed as yeast infection, this isn't so uncommon with crohns. me, i'm always on the loo, very rarely and highly noteableif i have constipation, but i've got so much intestine missing which is half the issue i think.

as far as vitamins are concerned you do need to be careful, i have issues if the bulking agent is rice flour, or another grain, or lactose. i seem to be able to take certain vitamins for a couple of months and then they have a reaction so i come off the for a couple of months. it really is trial and error. but good luck
Hello Omega
I am sorry to hear about your Crohn's diagnosis but I'm glad you have found us here on the forum. There are quite a few of us here, including myself, who have bladder issues that are related to Crohn's disease.
There are different reasons for this i.e. the inflammation in your bowel might be putting pressure on your bladder, etc. Did you mention this problem to the specialist?
Hello, welcome to the forum.

I am glad you asked these questions, as I have the same bladder problems. I am very swollen right now, my belly and right side, and the bigger I am the worse it gets. I am going to be talking with my Gastro next week about it, but I did asked the ER doctor about it. He said that he couldn't say for sure, but since I am so swollen, it could be that my intestines are pushing my bladder and causing the problems. He wanted me to be sure and talk to the specialist, but did a urine test anyway. It came back fine.

Hello, welcome to the forum.

I am glad you asked these questions, as I have the same bladder problems. I am very swollen right now, my belly and right side, and the bigger I am the worse it gets. I am going to be talking with my Gastro next week about it, but I did asked the ER doctor about it. He said that he couldn't say for sure, but since I am so swollen, it could be that my intestines are pushing my bladder and causing the problems. He wanted me to be sure and talk to the specialist, but did a urine test anyway. It came back fine.


Hi omega & welcome,

I am new also but I'm finding out heaps of interesting things on this forum. I have just put up with many symptoms for so long and learned to live with although now discovering maybe I shouldn't have.

Interestingly I too have these little red spots although haven't asked the doc about them but now I think I will.

Amber - I often feel the need to empty my bladder although yet when I go there isn't much there to come out. I did mention this to my GP and was told I must have a weak bladder and to try and practice holding it in for longer! I am sure this is related to my crohns and is probably due to pressure from imflamation. I weirdly have an appointment with GI nurse on 27th this month also so will be mentioning this as well.

Hi Omega,

I'm just joined yesterday so I know how you feel, all these different symptoms make me feel like a hypochondriac (I don't know about anyone else?).
I wanted to reply as I to have had red lumps come up, mine were on my lower and top of back " only a few times" and not in the exact same place but they were itchy and didn't last long...I just though mine were hives from a slight allergic reaction?

The main thing o wanted to say about was the bladder thing, not sure if we have exactly the same but I find a few litres of water sometimes more helps with my "bladder pain" drink a good pint in the morning and give it half an hour.... Not sure if it will help you but i thought "it's worth mentioning incase it helps you ;)

Good luck to you
@ Sandy- please post what you find out from yours as I will mine. It makes me right lower back hurt, and feelings that I can't completly empty myself and stop/start urination.
Thank you all for responding. Yes i believe the red spots are due to yeast as well and when i touch them they can be tender at times. Another thing i have is my legs, arms, face will become itchy not sure if it is from the Illness too. With my bladder, if i went to bed with water in me by morning i am in so much pain on my right side and my stomach feels like gnawing and hungry feeling terrible stuff.

What vitamins does everyone take and does food really effect this Illness?

Your's definatly doesn't sound the same as mine as mine hurts when it's empty....sorry couldn't help you :(

Good luck.
yes my stomach hurts when it is empty too. it feels like i am hungry but i am not. the bladder pain just adds to it.
Hi omega,

I think I have relatively mild crohns in comparisson to some folk on here although I use to take multivitamins and glucosamine capsules for joint pain when I was in remission and running around 25k per week and found they both helped considerably or at least they did with me anyway.

After the stress of recently been paid off and finding another job, attending interviews etc my running, healthy eating plan has subsided and in turn my crohns has flared up a bit for first time in years!

Anyhow - My thinking behind all this is that if your BM's are very frequent then it's doubtful your body will absorb the nutrients it requires from food alone so i see no harm in taking a few multivitamins which reminds me i need to buy some myself now:)

PS I have recently cut out fresh orange juice that i have taken every morning for years and feel that has made a big difference. Have you looked at the diet/fitness threads. I found them very helpful.

Take care and hope you feel better soon.

@ Amber - I will post after my GI consultation. It seems we are having similar problems in the waterworks dept.
Omega ...
Hi , as your newly diagnosed , and cant measure your tiredness.. might be a good thing to ask your GP to test your foliate levels . as most Crohn's sufferfers , dont have The Intrisic Factor in your stomach to produce B12 & folic acid .. its a simple blood test ..
Good luck and keep smiling ..
Jan & Miss Piggy
@ Sandy- please post what you find out from yours as I will mine. It makes me right lower back hurt, and feelings that I can't completly empty myself and stop/start urination.

ohhh I just strated to develop this recently .. your bladder is just above the pubic bone .. not to left or right .. Im prettyu sure its pressure .. I have a huge hernia on my Stoma . and it pulls every thing over .
Jan & Miss Piggy