Crohn's considered Disability??

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Nov 3, 2012
Cape Girardeau,
Does anyone know anything about receiving disability and SSI if you are diagnosed with Crohn's disease?

I completely refused at first when people first told me about it. I wanted to be the person who worked for everything that I recieved, but heres my situation:

I am only 20, I am single and trying to raise a two year old daughter, I have Crohn's disease, Ulcerative Colitis, along with many other illnesses that I have been trying to live with all my life. I attempted in going to college but couldnt make it through because I am constanly being put back in the hospital and missing so much due to doctors visits plus an ill child.
I am certainly not one of those people who abuse the system....but I recently had to quit my job due to my boss sexually harrassing me on top of me being sick all the time. I seem to have the worst luck in everything!

Anyways I have applied for all of thise but they say I may not know anything for a few months. I was just wondering if anyone else has attempted this??
Hi Amanda and I'm sorry for what you have to deal with. I'm sure having a medical condition on top of the other things going on for you does not help balance out your daily living. I look forward to seeing what responses people have for helping you. In the meantime I hope you hang in there and know you have plenty of support here.

BTW How did your docs come up with a diagnosis of both crohn's disease AND ulcerative colitis? I have never heard of being officially diagnosed with both its either one or the other. Sounds like some more testing may need to be done?...
Thank you very much!!
And I have NO idea about being diagnosed with both! I am so new to all of this!

I was admitted to the hospital for a blockage and because of my other conditions that hospital was too scared to touch me so the transfered me to a hospital about two hours away and did a colonoscopy and that is what the hospital diagnosed. When I was younger I would get ulcers all down my esophagus and through my stomach and intestines. When I had that they never really diagnosed it.
I don't personally have any experience with it, but I've heard of others doing it. Someone should come along with more information. I'm thinking Crabby may know more?

If you honestly need the help and aren't taking advantage of it, there's no reason not to!

About college, have you tried or considered internet classes? I'm currently taking them because attending classes was really difficult for me, too. So far, it has worked out well for me. :)
Thank you SarahBear! :)

Hi AmandaMB! Yes many people on the forum do receive SSI and/or SSDI for Crohn's or for other medical conditions. I've been receiving SSI since 1995 and have worked off and on and have gone to and finished school as well (went to college after I was in remission but I know college can get tough during a flare plus being a single parent on top of that). You do not have to stay on disability if you feel you're able to work again. They have programs on helping you get back to work when you're ready and can also help pay for college or help you get some college courses done online. Talk to Social Security about these programs if you're interested (can only use them if you get on SSI or SSDI though).

So it seems that you've already applied which is great! One of the hardest parts is actually getting accepted. Most people are denied their first time around (even people with missing limbs). You MUST appeal. Do not get discouraged. Having a lawyer helps. You can use a local lawyer or try Binder and Binder as they deal with disability claims. A lawyer will take a percentage of your winnings (you will get a large lump sum from when you first applied to when you were finally accepted). A lawyer is definitely worth it.

When filling out any of the paper work you want to describe your worst days possible. Never say that you sometimes feel fine.

You have a strong case and should be able to get SSI (if it takes a lawyer than so be it, it can be a long process). The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was changed in 2008 and does include problems with the immune system and the digestive tract. Crohn's does qualify.

Do not feel like you're abusing the system. You're having a lot of difficulty keeping a job due to your illness and your child's and you need to pay rent and bills and you have to eat as well. If people try to put you down for doing this, do not listen to them. They don't know how hard this can be.

You will qualify for Medicaid. This is government run free health care. You can only see certain doctors and it doesn't cover dental (minus emergency extractions). You will need a referral to any specialist (which means you'll see your GP a lot). Certain tests and medications usually require authorization (like a pill cam or Humira or Remicade) but most things will be covered right off the bat and you wont need to wait for treatment. For me the ER also has a $5 co-pay. The health coverage is the main reason why I stay on SSI because this disease is expensive and I also have many other health conditions.

If you have anymore questions feel free to ask. :)

Edit: Yes someone can be diagnosed with both Crohn's and Colitis. Crohn's affects people from the mouth to anus but while in the colon is patchy in nature where it skips and affects different sections. Colitis is in the colon only and affects a large area with no skipping. Doctors can also tell the difference between the two by checking to see how deep the inflammation is (I believe Crohn's penetrates deeper but I'll have to check again). The forum wiki has a table which also shows how they are different:
Thanks to you both SarahBear and Crabby!! This definitely helps! If i dont get accepted the first time then I will look around for getting a lawyer.

I will do my best to keep you all updated on how it is working out!
AmandaMB, I forgot to mention. I don't know what your insurance is at the moment but if you're low income you and if you don't have it already you may qualify for Medicaid now rather than having to wait for the disability status.
I have a diagnosis of "crohn's colitis" but not "crohn's disease" AND "ulcerative colitis". It's likely I may have misunderstood your diagnosis Amanda. Sorry! :hug:

My disease only in my terminal ileum and colon (actually throughout the entire colon) which would be ulcerative colitis based on the wiki, but due to the location of inflammation AND since I have granulomas the official diagnosis was "crohn's colitis" a particular type of crohn's disease primarily located in the colon (because ulcerative colitis does not have granulomas).

I get so confused sometimes reading how docs diagnose people! lol
Yea I really need to go apply for that, just havent made it down there for it yet :/
I am pretty sure I would qualify

Thanks so much for the advice! I am so happy to have found this forum!
Thanks CrohnsChicago. I had mentioned Crohn's Colitis in my edit but when I went to open a new tab to get the info I accidently closed out the page I was working on. D: Thankfully it was just the edit and not the entire post. :p I forgot to add that part back in there. I had been wondering why it was shorter than it was before I closed it out. :)

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