Hi!My daughter has Crohns. She is like an 8-9 on a 1-10 scale of severity. Anyway,for years she has been under the care of a gastroenterologist and an oncologist that we love and trusted to be fantastic drs. But,she moved to another city and found herself in the ER with a Crohns flare (hasn’t taken care of herself or gone to the dr for a long time). Anyway,the dr that saw her in the hospital was floored by the treatment she had received from her drs. He said her oncologist shouldn’t have had a say in her care and that they shouldn’t have had her take drug holidays(Remicade). Her oncologist would do blood work and then give us the results and if it was borderline he would ask us if she wanted to do another treatment or wait. This new dr couldn’t believe this. Now,I have to decide whether or not he is right??He wants her to have constant drug treatment. Any advise??