Crohn's & Life Insurance Coverage

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Feb 6, 2012
Boston, MA
Weird topic, I know, but I'm really surprised by what just happened to me. I applied for additional life insurance coverage offered through my employer and a well-known life insurance provider. Very common thing. I filled out my forms like usual and applied for a certain level of coverage for my wife and me, which I have done many times before without issue.

One of the conditions listed in the area of "things wrong with you" (i.e. cancer, heart disease, etc.) was Crohn's Disease. I thought, weird, ok, whatever, I've never seen this on a life insurance form before... and I checked yes because I was diagnosed with Crohn's over 1 year ago.

I received a letter in the mail no more than 1 week later denying me life insurance coverage specifically because I have Crohn's Disease. I was taken aback. Honestly, I feel like this is some sort of discrimination. As many of you know, we can lead long, productive lives despite the difficulties of Crohn's. Has anyone else ever been denied life insurance coverage because they have Crohn's Disaease? Just curious. I'm still learning what it's like to live with Crohn's, but discrimination was not something I anticipated.
It is difficult to get private individual life insurance with Crohn's, and an individual employer can exclude many conditions to lower their portion of premiums. This is not standard across all employers, and a group policy is still your best option. If your current work can't help, try any professional societies you may be a member of - they frequently have group life insurance plans.

When I was about to be diagnosed (my GI was pretty sure, but had a colonoscopy scheduled for 2 weeks out to confirm), my GI doc advised me to get any private life insurance I needed before formal diagnosis.
Wow, I wish I knew that beforehand. I suppose I can keep trying through my workplace, but it seems insurance will cut corners wherever they can these days. I am a member of a professional society, so I will see if I can get it through that as well. Thanks for the recommendation. I still find all of this disheartening and rather surprising. Maybe they should start adding other things like papercuts, colds, and hang-nails to the list of "disorders".
My brother in law sells life insurance, he told me that i could still get life insurance with Crohn's. It is a smaller policy, but it is still doable. Maybe look into private dealers?
i had to go with the high risk government one...out of pocket expense is around $10,000 a year...and the premium goes up at least 4% a year (7% this year)...i can't afford to buy my meds
I had no trouble getting life insurance when I was 21. I had the rep come to my home, filled out the paper work and that was it. WOW!! why would they deny crohn's patients? I mean, it's not like we're dying right away. We do go into remission and try to lead normal lives.
They do pull your medical records, so if your health has been unstable recently, they may deny you because of that. I was denied at the beginning of all of my surgeries and told to reapply when I had all of the infections cleared and I didn't need anymore surgeries
Insurance companies have become so ridiculous in who they accept or not it seems. Three years ago I wanted to get some more life insurance as well. I have been chronically ill for the last 9 years. Well let me tell you, the insurance lady called me back and told me that I was accepted, but I have a really high payment. I mean they explained that I am a level 13! I was like, what is a level 13??? She said that is the highest level you can go, meaning, she told me I had better go for the Whole life insurance and not the Term because likely the prices will just sky rocket when the term is up!

With having crohns, they figure people may need to have surgeries and when anyone is having surgeries there is always the risk of things going wrong... They just dont want to have to shovel out any money in the case something should happen. It is sad and unfair, and something should be done about how these insurnace companies are treating people who are sick. It is discrimination!

Weird topic, I know, but I'm really surprised by what just happened to me. I applied for additional life insurance coverage offered through my employer and a well-known life insurance provider. Very common thing. I filled out my forms like usual and applied for a certain level of coverage for my wife and me, which I have done many times before without issue.

One of the conditions listed in the area of "things wrong with you" (i.e. cancer, heart disease, etc.) was Crohn's Disease. I thought, weird, ok, whatever, I've never seen this on a life insurance form before... and I checked yes because I was diagnosed with Crohn's over 1 year ago.

I received a letter in the mail no more than 1 week later denying me life insurance coverage specifically because I have Crohn's Disease. I was taken aback. Honestly, I feel like this is some sort of discrimination. As many of you know, we can lead long, productive lives despite the difficulties of Crohn's. Has anyone else ever been denied life insurance coverage because they have Crohn's Disaease? Just curious. I'm still learning what it's like to live with Crohn's, but discrimination was not something I anticipated.
Insurance companies can be so stupid sometimes. I haven't really tried to get myself life insurance yet because I figured I could get a better policy once I graduate and get a good job, but I was once offered a non-renewable (price will never change) policy for $18. Dollars a month for $100,000 coverage. 100,000 is nothing. I could just money into a safe and have more than that by the time I die.

I would definitely look at different companies. YOU are giving them YOUR money, give it to somebody who cares.

Best of luck
I was denied life insurance because of the Crohn's and the risk of the medications I use to treat it.
Just looking at all of the posts here, its just incredible what insurance companies do to people these days. As someone said, it's not like we're dying in droves. We have problems, yes, but live fairly normal, long lives. There are certainly risks, but anything could go wrong at any time, though. Honestly, there's probably a much higher probability that I would die in a car accident than in surgery. I guess I'll figure it out somehow, and take your recommendations. A big THANK YOU to you all for your responses.
Sometimes it is better to add more than 1 person on the policy( like a husband or wife or child etc...) as you can maybe get a better deal that way. I mean I have not even been dx with crohns, but I have other health issues( IC, fibromyalgia, heartmurmur( grade 1) and other issues) and they labeled me a 13 high risk. None of the things I have are deadly usually so insurance companies are ridiculous in who they agree to cover and for how much..

We went with state farm. I could only get a limit or should I say I could only afford a $25,000 policy! I mean and believe me, I pay enough just for that!! But I would have paid more but since my hubby took out some extra for himself we got a bit of a break if you will..

Good luck and hope you get some good coverage...

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