Crohns Pain-Bloated & Gassy

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Oct 15, 2012
Good morning! I have been living with crohns for 10 years. At one point I was on 15 pills I take Cimzia injections and they seem to work ok. I have noticed recently that I get extremely bloated and gassy more often now. The problem is it's very hard for me to get rid of it. Yesterday I laid in bed all day with excruciating pain that came in waves and nausea. This lasted until this morning. I'm not really nauseated but I am extremely gassy and bloated. Does anyone have any helpful ways to get rid of gas in their intestines? Anything will help! I'm desperate!
#1 I'm no Dr. I've had Crohn's.Disease since 1973, 2 resections of terminal ileu., + full hysterectomy due to scar tissue & endometriosis.. an over the counter chew tab, mild mint flavor product is SIMETHICONE. It doesn't interact with other meds as do several other Anti flatulence , antacids do! it's reasonably priced too. They're not a hard chew, like Tums (yuck). No yucky aftertaste either.
I chew 2 tabs after meals, & if needed after a gassy/spicey food.(SOME DAYS I JUST GOTTA SPOIL MYSELF, but, remember "was it worth it?".
I try omit MSG (Monosodium Glutamate ", ouch!) No diet,sugar free anything, or = Hershey Squirts Will be the result!
I hope it'll help you too.
..When we Learn..Share.
💕💕Maya Angelou RIP
#1 I'm no Dr. I've had Crohn's.Disease since 1973, 2 resections of terminal ileu., + full hysterectomy due to scar tissue & endometriosis.. an over the counter chew tab, mild mint flavor product is SIMETHICONE. It doesn't interact with other meds as do several other Anti flatulence , antacids do! it's reasonably priced too. They're not a hard chew, like Tums (yuck). No yucky aftertaste either.
I chew 2 tabs after meals, & if needed after a gassy/spicey food.(SOME DAYS I JUST GOTTA SPOIL MYSELF, but, remember "was it worth it?".
I try omit MSG (Monosodium Glutamate ", ouch!) No diet,sugar free anything, or = Hershey Squirts Will be the result!
I hope it'll help you too.
..When we Learn..Share.
💕💕Maya Angelou RIP
Thank you!!!
Mine is usually caused by a partial obstruction. I have stricturing type of Crohn's, not a lot of diarrhea.
Me too!!! I have alot of strictures in my small intestine. Is there a way to prevent an obstruction. Im not sure if I need to stick to soups and liquids or if it will be like that no matter what I eat.
If you ask 100 people you will get 100 different answers. But for me, diet makes a big difference. I have had one bowel resection and I know eventually I will have another, but I hope to put it off as long as possible. I still take lots of meds: budesonide, Lialda, Remicade and supplements. I went on Paleo diet about a year ago and if has made me feel much much better. I use to eat dinner and then lay on the floor bloated and gassy everynight, I don't do that anymore, I feel much better. It is a difficult diet to follow at first; I had to learn a lot, cook/prepare food a lot, and shop more frequently. I also started purchasing organic meats/produce, which is expensive. But, I feel so much better, I have decided it is all worth it.
The other good side effect of the diet: my cholesterol dropped 50 pts and I lost 20 lbs without even trying.
If you ask 100 people you will get 100 different answers. But for me, diet makes a big difference. I have had one bowel resection and I know eventually I will have another, but I hope to put it off as long as possible. I still take lots of meds: budesonide, Lialda, Remicade and supplements. I went on Paleo diet about a year ago and if has made me feel much much better. I use to eat dinner and then lay on the floor bloated and gassy everynight, I don't do that anymore, I feel much better. It is a difficult diet to follow at first; I had to learn a lot, cook/prepare food a lot, and shop more frequently. I also started purchasing organic meats/produce, which is expensive. But, I feel so much better, I have decided it is all worth it.
The other good side effect of the diet: my cholesterol dropped 50 pts and I lost 20 lbs without even trying.
I was trying paleo for awhile and could not keep it up. I think due to poor research I really didnt know what to eat and what to stay away from. But honestly I lost weight and did feel better. I need to try it again.
It really is hard to start and learn so it becomes routine. I think it took 6 mo before I felt pretty comfortable with it. But still it remains a labor-intensive diet. I look up a lot of stuff online and also have bought a couple of cookbooks. My favorite cookbook is "against all grain".
It really is hard to start and learn so it becomes routine. I think it took 6 mo before I felt pretty comfortable with it. But still it remains a labor-intensive diet. I look up a lot of stuff online and also have bought a couple of cookbooks. My favorite cookbook is "against all grain".
My coworker eats the paleo way and she looks great an feels great all the time. Im going to start back doing research because I cant live like this. Im tryna decide if I want to just have surgery and get it over with.
I will say, I waited too long to have my first surgery. I just kept thinking if I try harder or eat better.... But if the narrowing has become mechanical, not just inflammatory, surgery isn't the worst option. I waited so long that my health, marriage and work suffered because of it.
Strictures can lead to bacterial overgrowth which might be the cause of the increased gas in addition to the pain and bloating.

I've struggled with SIBO on and off for many years now and like you have had severe pain and nausea with the bloating and gas. For me adding in SCD 24 hour lactose free yoghurt to my diet and at times other probiotics (I've tried VSL#3) and cutting out sugar and reducing carbs has helped but I also have had to take repeated courses of antibiotics because the symptoms have been so bad.

Have you still got your ileocaecal valve? As without it you are more prone to SIBO too.

SIBO can be confirmed by doing a hydrogen breath test.
Do you know what the bloating and pain is caused by?

The surgeon that did my 2nd resection explained our GI's pains to me in very EZ & great way.I hope I can do similar (via gabby me) -
We cannot feel any pain from the intestines when they've been cut, burned, sewed(stitches),stapled...
Their pains we FEEL is whenever they're being "STRETCHED"! EX:Constipation, Bloated, which cause our intestines (stomach) to STRETCH trying to make room for excess air(gas), food, liquids...
It's our "Autonomic Nervous System's"... "smooth muscles" plus the "autonomic nerve fibers" that MOVE and... Pain= SIGNALS!! ... our 2nd brain is in our GI= Enteric Nervous System! Whoa!!!
These all begin in our brain's "Cranial Nerve X"= the Vagus Nerve.
Please Google/search to read & learn about these nervous systems workings, Totally amazing!

If I posted this information in the wrong area, please forgive Greenhorn - me.
((Enteric coated aspirin,,, c/r our GI's Enteric Nervous System"))
YESIREEEEE! Learning can still be fun)). Plz educ others. It's the best way to learn.
Peace & Respect
Clean eating has helped me with the gas and bloatin. I am not on a no sugar diet for 3 weeks. It's my first day and I feel pretty good. I also like to do 21 day fix witch is pretty much all clean eating. I eat alot of veggies and fruits. I did t used to. I used to just eat junk. My crohns is in the small bowel and lower illium.
Thank you guys for the responses!! Im taking notes for sure. I am sooooo tired of dealing with this. I need to prep my food better but I think about my social life and it's non existent because of this. I want my social life back!
I know it's hard eating all the stuff you love...I have a hard time with that. I make myself prep every weekend for the week. I usually take a salad with protein for lunch and then a couple of clean snacks to work. Look in pinterest if you need recipes...there are a ton!
I know it's hard eating all the stuff you love...I have a hard time with that. I make myself prep every weekend for the week. I usually take a salad with protein for lunch and then a couple of clean snacks to work. Look in pinterest if you need recipes...there are a ton!
Pinterest is my new best friend!! I need to start prepping for the week an sticking to it.
My coworker eats the paleo way and she looks great an feels great all the time. Im going to start back doing research because I cant live like this. Im tryna decide if I want to just have surgery and get it over with.

I do better to avoid MSG, MEAT tenderizer, sugar free anything [cramps & diarrhea!] for gas relief the best n safest I've found- over counter Simethicone! nice mild mind, MED chew n dissolve tablets. Don't interfere with other meds! Yipppee
I use to enjoy munching on Cinn Graham crackers, but TIMES= HERSHEY squirts because of their molasses! now I know!

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