Crohns people who have children with IBD diseases

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 16, 2011
Hi, I'm new to the site and had a few questions for you guys that have been on here for a while. I have four children 7,5,4,3 and only my 5 year old has been diagnosed with Celiac. I worry about my 7 year old daughter, she has had blockages in her bowels on and off since she was 3 but has had no other problems, she has been tested for Crohns and has seen my pediatric Gastro but nothing has come back with Crohns or anything else, other than the few blockages she has had, sha has had no other problems. My question is do any of you that have Crohns have children with Crohns or any other IBD Diseases, and are they diagnosed young or has it shown up later? Thanks for any feed back.
Hi Sha and welcome!

You might want to take a poke around the forum for people with kids that have IBD. Lots of knowledgeable folks over there and you can get some good advice and answers.

- Amy

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