Crohns stricture without surgery?

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Feb 7, 2013
I've been diagnosed with crohns for 10 years and haven't had hardly any symptoms after I was diagnosed. Off and on I'd have a little blood in my stool and bloating. I recently had blood work and a stool sample a few months ago and everything showed up perfect. Recently I've been having small amounts of blood in my stool almost like somebody took a paintbrush and paint stripes on it. I've been having gas and my stomach is gurgling. I have no pain whatsoever and feel great. I told my dr. About the blood and he said monitor it and it was from the scarring. I was wondering when you need surgery from the strictures? Anybody live with strictures without surgery ?
I've got two areas of stricture and have so far avoided surgery. I hope to for as long as possible!
I have had a stricture for 30 years. My new gastro bloke thinks i'm going to agree to surgery. I have appointments in December, but i'm not going. Surgery is soooo painful for me. Other patients sleep for days after surgery but I am awake for four days and nights. if it's not giving you extreme pain, I wouldn't have surgery. Mine plays up from time to time but the pain goes.
You usually go to surgery for a stricture when you risk a blockage, either because you have partial blockage symptoms (vomiting, intensive pain etc...), if endoscopy shows bowel dilated before the stricture (food get stuck, and cant go through so the bowel is dilated, increasing the risk of perforation or blockage), or if you have chronic important bleeding from the strictures with melena (this is not your case).
I would take a calprotectine stool test if you have have blood at this present time. Since you had the test a few months ago, it would be safe to have it now I believe to make sure the blood is not coming from inflammatory disease activity.

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