My experience is that you are the best doctor out there. Yes, a MD is necessary to prescribe the meds and run the tests, BUT, there so many varying symptoms and issues that no 1 MD can have all the answers.
Thats where the web and this Forum are critical to your life! I mean that figuratively and literally!
All my web research states the pathology is the only 100% diognosis. That means to me that if your biposies come back as a positive for Crohns, you have Crohns. Its like "sort-of pregnent" - you either have Crohns or you don't.
That being said, I have read where some people with Crohns (even on meds) can barely get out of bed each day to to joint pain, head aches, DR, etc... and on the other end of spectrum is me, I have zero symptoms. Which is great, but not knowing when I was flaring put in the hospital (surgery) and a 6 month recovery. If I was diognosed earlier and put on meds, maybe I could have contolled the Crohns and eliminated the surgery.
Last bit here: There are no 100% answers - EVERYONE is different and has different symptoms (yes, some are same DR, appitite, etc...). You have to research/forum Chrohns and make recommendations to your doctor. Be more informed than they are - its actually not to hard to do...Doc's have so many things to remember - Crohns details to cover everyone with Crohns would be impossible for any Doc. Spend some hours reading through this forum - and some google-ing...