
Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 3, 2012

hi there i was diagnosed with crohns disease about 6 weeks ago and had to have a operation to remove part of my small still getting alot of pain and was put on endone 5mg tablets.
Hello and welcome to the forum :bigwave: I take it the operation was to remove a narrowing? How long had you been having problems before the disagnosis and subsequent surgery? Had you been under the care of a GI doc? How long ago exactly was the operation? Do you have a follow up appt booked to discuss where things will go from here with regards to 'management' of your crohns? (Sorry lots of questions I know) You have definetly come to the right place to get info and support regarding this disease so am glad you have decided to join.

Hope you can be feeling better soon.

Hi there and welcome! I'm so sorry to hear you're in pain :( Is it due to the operation or do you think it's related to the Crohn's Disease? If it's related to the CD, where is the pain specifically?

We're here for you! All my best to you.
hi there thankyou for your reply.i get lower rite side pain it could be to do with my operation.i had a ct scan 2 weeks ago as i went back into hospital with alot of pain and there is no reacurrance of crohns.just a bit inflamed where they joined bowel on endone for pain.
I see. I'm not familiar with the surgery side of things so can't help you much there. But feel free to post in our surgery forum if you'd like to get insight from others who have had surgery.

I wish you well.