Well,here we go again.I have finished yet another dose of steroids and when I tapered to three the pain and diorrhea came back with a passion. I saw the new gastro doc at the local hospital I changed to and he has given me some hope.I am having a bone scan this morning and another colonoscopy tomorrow to see if it is the crohns.He said I am steroid dependant and has given me a list of what it's caused so I think for a months relief from symptoms for me it's not worth it but he has said he will not give me anymore ever.He upped my azathioprine but I don't think this is working very well,maybe that might change who knows.The next step is to try Inflimab hope thats how you spell it. To date the diorrhea is dreadful and has been for just over two weeks up to 10 times per day on a good day.I have been on a liquid diet for just over a week now and even thats not eased it.Yesterday was worse than ever.I ate a very small piece of chicken the day before and my god the pain in my back and stomach was awful and I'm used to pain.I lost count of my toilet visits after 19.I was trying to be sick but there was'nt anything to bring up cause it all came out the other end. To top it all I have to take the bowel prep today can't wait.The good news is at least this new doc is doing something because for just over three years all I have had is steroids.He answered my list of questions before I had even asked them and said if I can think of anything else to ask him Wednesday when he does the colonoscopy.Today I have just got up and guess where I am.... Will let you know how I get on.Thanks for reading.