CRP 87...Does this Warrant Steroid Treatment?

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Jan 12, 2011
Hi all, my Son Danni, is having his second flare....Frequent watery stools and blood, back pain. His consultant ordered stool and blood samples...They came back that he was 'Mildy Aneamic' GP prescribed Iron tablets. Also, his CRP was at 87. I could not get hold of the Consultant today and I will try to contact him tomorow...However, I am wondering now, do you think his CRP and syptoms will mean he will have to start Prednisolone?...This is the steroid the Consultant said he would give Danni along with his Pentasa 4g a day

Please can anyone advise me?...I know the normal CRP is 5?...So is 87 very high?...will he need Pred before things get worse?

Please advose if you can...Thank you. Lorraine

P.S. He has been on Low Residue diet for appox 10 days also.
Hi Lorraine. Sorry Danni's not doing too good. I would say that it would be likely that his gastro would start him on pred to knock this flare on its head. His Pentasa obviously isn't keeping his symptoms under control, and so the next logical step would be pred.
A CRP of 87 is high, but there are others on here who have flared and have had CRP up in the 300's. For me, my CRP never raises above 0, and I've just had my whole colon removed due to not being able to manage my flare after a year on pred and other drugs. So for some it's a good indicator of what's happening, but for others (like me) it's a useless tool.
Pred really can be a 'miracle' drug. I know people hate it, but it's the one drug that does seem to have almost instant effects.
Hope Danni's soon on the mend,
Hi Lorraine:

It's too bad that Danni has started feeling so unwell. It must be so worrying for you.

My CRP levels right now is at 492, but I'm also not on any medications (nothing works for me). It is most likely that he will be given Prednisone since the Pentasa isn't working on its own. Like Andrea said, Pred is a double-edged hates the side effects, but its effectiveness is quite strong. It will give Danni some energy, allow him to eat, and at the same time, help get a handle on his current symptoms.

I hope Danni finds some relief soon.

Take care,

Hiya Lorraine

Sorry to hear Danni's flaring again. Have to agree with the above. 87 is high (ish) but a good indicator all's not well, mine has been 261 in the past.
I believe a course of Pred will blitz this, nip it in the bud before it escalates.
A low res diet will slow down the bowels and reduce diarrhea symptoms, but I don't think it will reduce inflammation
Good luck
Thank you...Side Effects Pred?

Thank you all so much for your kind replies, I really do appretiate the time taken out for you all to offer your support.

I must admit that I am worried about Danni started the Pred, but, I am also worried that his flare will become worse and I am terrified of a repeat of all he went through in January, his CRP was 376 back then...So, maybe the side effects are worth it in the end? I am just unsure how Danni will react should the side effects be bad, I don't know how he will cope?...I guess we won't know until we give it a go!!

Is there anything I should look out for with the side effects?...and, when should I worry about any side effects?...Just how bad can things get!! I so worry when I read how people just 'Hate' Prednisolone! be hoenst, it frightens me.

Thank you again for your help...I feel so lost, I wish it was me that had this illness and not Danni, he is such a kind and gentle soul that al;ready has so very much to cope with...It just seems so unfair.

Sorry, just the way I feel at this time, just angry.

Thank you again, Lorraine x

P.S. As the consultant advised, if the syptoms get worse start the Pred...I gave Danni just a 10mg dose after his dinner...I was too worried to give him the full 15 mg...he has to take 30 mg in total...Pred soluble tablets because he can't swallow tablets!!
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Hi Lorraine, I understand your feeling's towards Pred, but its effectiveness by far outweighs any side effects. The endless list of side effects given do not mean that he will suffer with them all if any. I was on pred from Feb 2010- Feb 2011 and gained some weight, and had a slight 'moon face', but as my dose lowered these went away. Initially I was on 50mg and had slight insomnia, but this was sorted by taking my pred as one dose as early in the morning as possible. I'm no doctor, and can only speak from my experience, but 10mg of pred would seem low to be getting this sort of flare under control. If his gastro wants 30mg (which still isn't too high a dose), I would say Danni would need it- Just my opinion here!
We all love to hate pred- but without it, many of us would be in a far worse situation today. It really can be a life saver, and may well halt Danni's flare in it's tracks.
Good luck,
Hiya Lorraine

Just my personal experience here. Try to give Danni the Pred very early in the morning an hour before breakfast. Doing this will ward off any insomnia. It worked for me.
It's normal to be angry, God we've all been there!
30mg isn't that high a dose, and maybe he won't be on it for long neither. But the relief he'll feel will be worth it. Try not to worry about side effects, every one is different, everyone unique.
Danni may not get any of them at all, but he will get relief from pain, fatigue and it will increase his appetite.
Pred saved my life last year, I wouldn't hesitate to take it again if need be.
Everything will be ok, try not to read other's experiences about it.
Also, I see you have prednisolone for your son? Rather than prednisone? (yes, the spelling does matter!) From reading other's experiences on here, prednisolone seems to have less side effects than prednisone. Astra and myself took prednisolone (and presumably Welsh-bird as well, as prednisolone is used more in the UK) and didn't get too many serious side effects, and a bit of moon face, and weight gain seems a small price to pay for the relief it brings!
Yeah, that's right, good un Rebecca!
Prednisone is converted into Prednisolone via the liver hence the side effects.
Our Crohnie friends overseas seem to get more side effects with Prednisone.
In the UK we get the Prednisolone.
Thank you

Andrea, Joan and Rebecca...Thank you so much for your messages....I feel alot more positive about tDanni taking the Pred after reading what you had to say...Yes, the most important thing IS to help Danni through this flare and back into remission. Also, realising the diffrence with prednisolone to prednisone easies my mind some...Danni can't take tablets so he has the soluble prednisolone. I will give him his full dose tommorow and hopefully will get to talk to the Consultant some more.

Thank you all so much, I really do not know how I would get by without this forum, I come here everyday always looking to learn...My son does not feel ready for a forum like this as yet, but he alwasy asks me about what I might of read...I guess that is a start :)

Thank you so, so much...Lorraine xXx