CT scan - some thickening of proximal duodenum?

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It long time since by middle daughter had kidney infection. She symptoms were vomiting, sleeping all the time and lastly fever. She didn't appear to have any pain. She was hospitalise for 3 days. The er doctor decided she was very sick, when she didnot cry when they put the IV in.
She doubled up on anti-biotics yesterday so that she had whole dose for the day. Still bloody urine but she says she feels a little better!

She did keep the anti-biotics down yesterday, thank goodness.

Really hope it is just a urine infection.
Yesterday her pain in right lower abdo and back were severe. Probably not as bad as some of her previous abdo pain, but she put it at an 8 out of 10. After ringing out of hours again, we ended up in Surgical Assessment. They scanned her, as urine showing blood, but not infection and announced she DID NOT have kidney stones. Did she want to stay in for pain relief? Errrr No - thank you. If no kidney stones she'll live with it like every other time.

This morning THIS is ONE of the 20 or so stones that she passed!!! :eek2::eek2::eek2::eek2::eek2:

FFS - poor bugger. What is the matter with these people. They pretty much made out that there was nothing wrong with her. She is getting a follow up urology appointment. But my god that must have been painful, and only an 8 out of 10! That stone was HUGE :ybatty:


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OMgoodness! Didn't mean for that pic to be so big!! lol.

Do you think that her severe dehydration is the cause of this??
Good golly Miss Molly! Poor Jaime! :(:(:(

Dehydration is definitely a cause for kidney stones Niks and is probably the most common cause in an otherwise healthy person. Be sure to have it sent off for analysis to see exactly what sort of stone it is...may give clues as to other underlying issues.

Thinking of you both! :heart:

Dusty. xxx
You'd think she'd think that was an obvious thing to do wouldn't you!? I asked her if she took them in already, she looked at me horrified and said that she threw them away! Great. I have told her if she has anymore to keep them!! GRRRRRR.
Given that 20 stones of that size were missed by the surgery dept...I think I'd be heading to London No one should live with the kind of pain that Jamie endures, without some kind of an idea of what is going on. Be sure to keep the sample and bring it with you. Don't forget to email to all of her docs too. Perhaps retake with a ruler for sizing perspective.

Best wishes to you both.
How could they have missed this?? She threw the stone away!!! She is still vomiting lots, so dehydration is going to crop up again. Is there anything she can do to avoid getting them again? x
Yesterday her pain in right lower abdo and back were severe. Probably not as bad as some of her previous abdo pain, but she put it at an 8 out of 10. After ringing out of hours again, we ended up in Surgical Assessment. They scanned her, as urine showing blood, but not infection and announced she DID NOT have kidney stones. Did she want to stay in for pain relief? Errrr No - thank you. If no kidney stones she'll live with it like every other time.

This morning THIS is ONE of the 20 or so stones that she passed!!! :eek2::eek2::eek2::eek2::eek2:

FFS - poor bugger. What is the matter with these people. They pretty much made out that there was nothing wrong with her. She is getting a follow up urology appointment. But my god that must have been painful, and only an 8 out of 10! That stone was HUGE :ybatty:

How big is that thing? Ultrasound isn't the best test for stones and often misses them. Hopefully the urologist can help figure out what is going on. Makes me wonder how much the vomiting is related to kidney issues... :(
How could they have missed this?? She threw the stone away!!! She is still vomiting lots, so dehydration is going to crop up again. Is there anything she can do to avoid getting them again? x

The short answer is...they should not have missed it! Time for mamma bear to show some serious teeth!!
I guess they wouldn't be able to see that just from urine sample MLP? x

Hi Niks
So sorry to hear this saga continues unabated for you both---just what is happening to medical care these days?.
The crystals which may form stones are often microscopically observable in a urine specimen, so a urinalysis with microscopy is worth doing and crystals specifically requested by the attending physician..
Too bad these days with dipsticks being used in the wrong places the microscopy gets overlooked.
Any formed stones should be saved for analysis since different substances cause different stone formation.
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
Niks, has she let the refering dr know that she passed these stones and she needs urgent referal otherwise they will refere her as routine. She needs a second opinion yes the vomiting could be linked to her stones but it does not explain her blood in her stools or the vomiting blood, what is her latest ESR and CRP will indicate how much inflmation she has going on also she must go to GP and insist on Faecal Calpotectin being done this specifically shows up level of inflmation in gut simple test but very accurate and gastro DRs dont egnore. this whole sorry saga makes me utterly ashamed for the NHS what the hell are your local hospitals doing. Mail that pic to her DRs in Oxford and update them they need the whole picture. Katie
Poor thing! I agree - email that picture to the docs "treating" Jaime and let them know what's happening. Shocked they managed to miss so many stones!! Ridiculous.
After the way they have left your poor girl, I would write and complain to the NHS complaints line. Sure they have done some tests, but she is so poorly they should really be keeping her in until her pain, nausea and weight have stabalized! If they don't know what it is they should be emailing other countries/doctors, etc until someone knows something. I have noticed one of their greatest failings in this country is the willingness to admit they don't know something and then ask other doctors in other cities/countries, etc for help!
I am reeling from it all. She's in more of the same pain today so going to GP and will show him pic. She knows to save any more!!!

Will get her to e-mail later. They take no notice from me! X
I've never experienced kidney or bladder stones, but could ALL of her problems be attributed to them or is everyone thinking they are more a symptom than the problem?
Oh Niks, Poor love Your kidneys are so precious they are not to be messed with do hope her GP is pro active and will support her the trouble is when you have an condition that goes undiagnosed for along time drs tend to glaze over when you start telling your history, its so wrong of them seen it happen time and time again but if they have the whole picture its so much easier to piece the diagnosis together. I would have thought its simple, she is obstructing following imflamation in her gut ?CD ?IC causing her to bleed and vomit ect just because she has not had positive biopsy they discard it, does her gastro con in oxford have specalist nurse if yes contact her they can work wonders. you need a good nurse on your side!!
Best of luck
Wow Catherine!! I guess the nearest is Struvite stones. It's amazing how many different types there are!

Her GP laughed when he saw the pic of stone and asked how on earth the hospital could have missed them! He is calling Oxford to let them know and liaise with them as to what to do.

He is also pushing the urologist appointment.
OMG niks I can't belive they missed this niks
Actually niks I probably can belive they did.
I'm so sorry for all poor Jamie is going though
I really hope you manage to get to the bottom of the
Cause of all her problems.
It really breaks your heart for all that Jamie
Has gone through and is gon going through now.
Hugs to you both x x
This is unbelievable, there are no words for how negligent this is!

How did she manage to pass that without passing out? :O

She is one brave girl.
Omg, when you said back pain before that was the first thing that came to mind but someone already had posted it. My mom suffers from Kidney stones every single year and almost lost her kidney last year. She get lithotripsy treatments annually. Poor Jamie! That is tough. Dehydration is a key factor! I have to worry about that with Rowan bc if her colectomy as well. One word comes to mind... Negligence!
I am so sorry to hear about he stones. Kidney stones are actually found more commonly in people with Crohn's disease. Here is a link to the Crohn's and colitis foundation of America about kidney stones:


Another arrow pointing at Crohn's disease being the answer to her mystery illness. As much as I hate for her to have Crohn's it would be nice to have an answer to what is wrong and hopefully start a treatment plan.
Thanks everyone.

Thanks for links too. Kim - do you think this will convince them!? Probably not! We still have no dates for other tests so I guess we'll work out what's going on on Tuesday

Tuesday really can't come quickly enough. Jaime really not doing very well. Weight dropping, no solid food or fortisip being kept down. Chest pains, a lot after vomiting, so think reflux. Back pain. She looks dreadful :(

I just don't know what GI will suggest. They surely can't leave her like this!

Can you get a test done for UTI. The above sounds like my middle symptoms with a kidney infection. I try the GP. Don't leave my daughter one kidney infection aged 2 and half caused kidney damage.
I really wanted her to go up for fluids and IV anti sickness this weekend, but she just wouldn't! She just finished a course of anti-biotics for UTI, although the dip test was negative!

I just don't know Catherine. She is just holiding out for Tuesday and I hope he has a plan! I did e-mail Oxford the picture of kidney stone and her GP called them too, so they should be aware of what has been going on.
Sending you MEGA LOADS of luck for the appointment and solid answers Niks!


Dusty. xxx
Niks, I have been lurking and following your thread since July when I landed in the hospital with my first obstruction. Hopefully Jaime and you finally get some answers and much needed relief. Our fingers are crossed for you in Canada!:goodluck::getwell::goodluck:
Thanks everyone. I really hope so too. Her throat is bleeding, I guess from stomach acids and she's been vomiting blood today :(.

Don't think we'll get answers tomorrow but hopefully will get a plan of what's going to happen and when! Xx
Ohh Niks, thinking of you and Jamie and so hoping you get answers tomorrow at the very least get on a path to get those answers.
Niks and Jaime

It Tuesday morning here, wishing your the best for today appointment. Hopefully there will be a plan for moving forward.

Thinking of Jaime today. Remind Jaime not under play her problems.
Oh Niks
Your poor baby. Do you have tums over there? If you do after she vomits and rinses her mouth have her suck on one. It helps neutralize the stomach acid to reduce the damage it does. Also is she on a medication for reflux? If not she needs to be. That will also help reduce stomach acid and damage when she vomits.
Thinking of you both Niks and hoping all is going smoothly for you today. Good luck!

Dusty. :heart:
What a day! J had dentist first thing. Her teeth are remarkably good! Her gums very inflammed though, so booked to see hygienist.

Oxford DID NOT have her on list for appointment! AGAIN! So bloody annoying so we had to go away and go back at end of clinic.

My guess is he really does not have a clue what is going on! He wants to do pillcam but with endoscopy to put it straight into bowel, but couldn't say when! He also wants her to see phychiatrist! Yep - sure we've been there before! He sugar coated it but basically thinks her brain could be triggering a vomit reaction! Has anyone ever heard of anything so ridiculous! AAARRRGGGHHH :ybatty::ybatty::ybatty::ybatty::ybatty:

What about getting nutrition into her right now? As her weight is dropping and she is vomiting all solid food? Ermmmm - she could get anti sickness jabs from GP. What - every day?? OMG I could actually pull my own hair out.

Have suggested Jaime gets psychiatric appointment ASAP. Hopefully he can report that GI's suggestion is just crazy! Anyone else had these problems?

What a day! J had dentist first thing. Her teeth are remarkably good! Her gums very inflammed though, so booked to see hygienist.

Oxford DID NOT have her on list for appointment! AGAIN! So bloody annoying so we had to go away and go back at end of clinic.

My guess is he really does not have a clue what is going on! He wants to do pillcam but with endoscopy to put it straight into bowel, but couldn't say when! He also wants her to see phychiatrist! Yep - sure we've been there before! He sugar coated it but basically thinks her brain could be triggering a vomit reaction! Has anyone ever heard of anything so ridiculous! AAARRRGGGHHH :ybatty::ybatty::ybatty::ybatty::ybatty:

What about getting nutrition into her right now? As her weight is dropping and she is vomiting all solid food? Ermmmm - she could get anti sickness jabs from GP. What - every day?? OMG I could actually pull my own hair out.

Have suggested Jaime gets psychiatric appointment ASAP. Hopefully he can report that GI's suggestion is just crazy! Anyone else had these problems?


Psychiatrists are the GI's go-to guys for when they don't know what to do and they want you out their hair. It's passing the buck. It happened to me when I was really sick in hospital, passing out etc, and I spent a year of my life paying £100 an hour to see a psychologist who eventually turned round and told me there was nothing wrong. By all means see the psychiatrist, but my advice would be if you and Jaime in your heart of hearts believe there is nothing wrong don't hang around too long. Trust your gut instinct. It can be troublesome to have a psychiatric diagnosis on your records. My psychologist wrote to all doctors treating me and made sure it was clear in my records that there was no diagnosis - she does work in court with people who can't get insurance payouts etc because they find out about a psychiatric diagnosis and use it against them.
We did go through this with our original GI. Ended up firing him and finding a new GI. We fired him after Caitlyn was in the hospital once again and we heard him telling another patient the exCt same thing he had told Cailtyn that it was in her head that the treatment he wS giving her should be working and if it wasn't it must be psychological. Maybe it really is time for you guys to look into that other doctor we had talked about a few weeks ago.
I KNOW that it is not psychiatric! Just want to prove it really. She is happy to go and talk to someone.

He is stumped because she is literally vomiting seconds after she eats. He says this is not normal and that if it was a stomach emptying problem or anything else that she would not be sick so immediately. He thinks that the food would stay in her stomach for hours! Hmmmmm I really don't think so!
Kim, I suggested that to Jaime on the way home. She's exhausted and wants to wait until pillcam has been done. I just can't quite believe we are back to this point!
I KNOW that it is not psychiatric! Just want to prove it really. She is happy to go and talk to someone.

He is stumped because she is literally vomiting seconds after she eats. He says this is not normal and that if it was a stomach emptying problem or anything else that she would not be sick so immediately. He thinks that the food would stay in her stomach for hours! Hmmmmm I really don't think so!

In that case be so so careful. My family all got caught up in the GIs suggestion of a psychiatric cause and eventually I began to doubt myself. When they called a psychiatrist in it was quite clear she had had a discussion with the GI and had made up her mind before I opened my mouth what was wrong with me. It didn't matter what I said... Everything I said was denial. For example if I said I thought I handled stress well, I just didn't realise I don't handle stress well. An answer for everything to build up a diagnosis she had already made her mind up about. So even when you say all the right things, if the psych has been appropriately primed by the GI ;) in my experience when they have made up their minds it's psychiatric it's difficult to go back, and the more you protest the crazier you look in their eyes. I had to change GI cause he was obsessed with me having a psychological problem that I had been evaluated for and didn't actually exist, but even with proof from my psychologist it didn't make one iota of difference. Dangerous territory you are being forced into by your GI IMO
Mehita - She doesn't want to move at the moment, she wants to wait until after Pill cam so hopefully that won't be too long.

Isgs - this is tricky. She is slightly shocked that he wants her to see a psychiatrist! But thinks if she doesn't he'll wonder why she won't. I can see what you're saying though. I think I might go with her and see her GP and see what he thinks.

The symptoms of cyclic vomiting syndrome include:

Severe vomiting that occurs several times per hour and lasts less than one week
Three or more separate episodes of vomiting with no apparent cause in the past year
Other symptoms during a vomiting episode may include:

Abdominal pain
Sensitivity to light
The intervals between vomiting episodes are generally symptom-free. But some people experience mild to moderate nausea or abdominal or limb pain between episodes.

Continued vomiting may cause severe dehydration that can be life threatening. Symptoms of dehydration include:

The bits I've highlighted aren't what she is experiencing. It lasts a lot longer than a week. And she has never really been symptom free??
One more thing
Allergic reactions can cause severe vomiting within seconds of eating as well as other gi stuff including d /constipation
Has she seen an allergist ?
No she hasn't MLP! I am really worried that she's just going to be left to go down hill so much further before anything else gets done. I will talk to her GP about referring to an allergist. Really prefer that to psychiatrist!! xx
This does not sound good to me ... at all. I hope you can move onto new doctors/hospital soon. What did your GP think? Danny, in the beginning, was almost diagnosed with "school phobia" by one doctor. We went to psychiatrist (to prove the dr was wrong) and he agreed there was no reason to suspect a psychiatric cause to his illness and believed it to be some physical cause. He wrote a letter ... which was helpful. Danny is extremely mentally healthy. I had a similar issue with my older son, a dr claimed his symptoms were due to anxiety. Truth is my son did have anxiety but he also was suffering from a CSF leak. We just kept switching doctors until we found help.
I don't think this is what Jaime has because she has so many GI symptoms such as blood in stools and alternating bouts of diarrhea vs constipation. Caitlyn had a friend in grade school who had it and she actually was helped greatly by acupuncture. But she had no GI symptoms other then the nausea and vomiting. But of course I am not a doctor just a Mom! Here is a link to about cyclic vomiting
FFS Niks!!! What about the stones? Did they do anything to see if there are any more in there? If they missed the first dozen or so, maybe there's a dozen more!
Dex her GP is rushing Urology appointment through. Oxford said she needed to be seen by Uro. He laughed when she told him about the GI's request for psych referral. He suggested they waited until after he's spoken to Oxford but Jaime really wants to get that idea ruled out so asked him to refer urgently.

GP is not liking the anti sickness jabs idea as he thinks she'll need at least two a day and it isn't solving anything.

I just feel so helpless now, poor bugger really just wants to be able to eat normally. She hates being so skinny because she thinks she looks like a boy.

GI yesterday said she still looked well!!! She really doesn't!
Sorry hear how the appointment went.

Have b12 levels been tested lately?


These more common Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, weight loss, lack of appetite and diarrhoea or constipation – this is usually Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia.


Other symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency involve the digestive tract. These symptoms include nausea (feeling sick to your stomach) and vomiting, heartburn, abdominal bloating and gas, constipation or diarrhea, loss of appetite, and weight loss.
Hmmmm Catherine! Her last B12 levels were within the normal range but this was at the beginning of August. They were 262. She has suffered low B12 before this has caused really bad pins and needles. This isn't happening right now, but will keep an eye on it!

She does have all the symptoms! For some reason over here they will only retest B12 after 100 days! If it is less the lab will refuse to test. :eek2:
B12 doesn't drop that quickly hence why tested less frequently. It would have to be severely low to be the cause of all her symptoms and having vomiting etc with low fit b12 is almost unheard of. I don't really think it will be the cause of her problems.

Only a hospital consultant would suggest your GP should give J twice daily jabs...how ridiculous a suggestion!!!

I think waiting for a pill cam is a good idea as long as it isn't too long. I would also suggest fairly frequent blood tests (probably 1-2 weekly) to check her potassium levels and sodium levels as they can drop quite quickly if persistently vomiting.

If the pill cam is normal, what did your GI suggest. I think a barium swallow would be a good idea as it will give a good idea of how far the barium gets, any obvious motility issues above the stomach etc. If I was vomiting so soon after eating, thats what I would be asking for, if it was a few minutes after I would want a gastric emptying study.

Your GP sounds great, you should write him a thank you letter for him to put in his appraisal file!....GPs have to bring all complaint and compliment letters to their annual appraisals now...and people hardly ever compliment nowadays.
Thanks LMH

I didn't know about GP appraisal! I will definitely get a card and write one out for him. He is great!

Our GI did not suggest anything after pillcam! So I guess we need to wait and see.

I have just literally gone and got a lorry load of Fortisip for her! Really don't think they meant to order that many! lol. See if she can just take tiny sips at a time. Got to be worth a shot.

One of her very first tests was barium, back with old GI, it didn't go anywhere! Basically stayed in her stomach and after several x-rays she vomited it up. Was not a pleasant experience as what ever was left solidified in her stomach and she was in agony!!! But I think another test like that would be a plan xx
Sorry to hear she really isn't much further forward. The fallback for a lot of docs seem to be the psychiatric referral - makes me so mad! When my daughter was in agony and they didn't know what it was they said the next step was a psych referral, "to help her deal with her pain" :ybatty:. Would rather they got rid of the pain! Keep fighting, I am sure one of them will figure it out.
I just wanted to mention juicing. I am currently trying to make myself as healthy as possible and have bought a juicer and recipe book. I was thinking it might be a good option for Jaime as it is all liquid so no hard digesting to do, plus it has many vitamins and micronutrients. Some of them are nice tasting such as carrot and apple, and she could keep it in the fridge and sip when she can.
Thanks Sascot, we do somes juicing. Funnily enough I did mention this yesterday and GI thought it was a waste of time!!! lol. We will keep trying though xx
My questions about b12 are this.

Jaime had loading doses for b12 in February, doesn't a level of 262 seem low for someone who has had injections.

So is the level what her doctors would expect given she had injections?

Do you any other results for b12?

Low/normal b12 is a symptom that the body is not producing b12 properly.

Did her symptoms improve after the injections?
Catherine - yes she had loading doses back in February. The symptoms of really bad pins and needles and numbness went pretty quickly when she had the loading doses.

Her other symptoms didn't though. So I guess what she is going through right now is just part of what ever is wrong with her!

I do agree though her B12 levels seem to get lower every time she's tested, and am wondering whether she needs to keep having B12 jabs to keep her levels high enough.

Her doctors are not worried about her level right now as it is within the normal range, although I have read some things that David has put on here about B12 levels and he recommends that levels should ideally be higher.
I am sorry this nightmare is continuing and hope that the doctors soon figure it out and she is feeling better.....You are both in my thoughts.
She initially had so many different diagnosis! Was from inflammation seen on colonoscopy and good reaction initially to pred.

crohn's diagnosis changed pretty quickly, although it is still on her GP notes!!!
Her GI at the time found coeliac tendencies on biopsies, so insisted that was what was wrong Holly. I don't think they ever really found any concrete evidence of crohns :-/ xx
I was wondering about that as well. If they thought it was Crohn's and she initially responded so well to prednisone then maybe they need to look back at that again. Maybe the current GI needs to review those original test results. Does he have copies of everything from them?
Oh Niks...:ghug:

Just another thought to throw into the mix...probably not what you need though! :eek2:

Failing all else perhaps obtain a neuro consult and look into vagus nerve dysfunction?

Like any disease/disorder it has varying degrees of affliction and Jaime does have some of the symptoms. Certainly vomiting, pain and persistent constipation are amongst them.

Interestingly there have been a few studies regarding the vagus nerve and its role in inflammation and whilst Crohn's doesn't appear have a direct link with the vagal nerve as such it would seem that for some with UC and autonomic nerve issues it has a direct link with vagus nerve dysfunction:

Autonomic nerve function was evaluated in 40 patients with total ulcerative colitis and in 25 patients with irritable bowel syndrome by three established non-invasive tests based on the heart reactions to deep breathing (E/I ratio) and tilt (acceleration and brake index). None of the patients were diabetic. Most of the patients with ulcerative colitis were clinically and biochemically inactive; 10 had previously undergone colectomy. The results were compared with a control group consisting of 56 healthy individuals and 33 previously investigated patients with Crohn's disease, 45% of whom demonstrated autonomic neuropathy (AN). Patients with ulcerative colitis had a significantly lower E/I ratio than controls in age-corrected values, indicating vagal nerve dysfunction. Altogether, 35% had signs of AN. In patients with irritable bowel syndrome 36% had evidence of AN, a figure in agreement with observations from other investigators. We conclude that AN is common in patients with ulcerative colitis, regardless of disease activity and previous colectomy. In contrast to a predominantly sympathetic dysfunction in Crohn's disease, AN in ulcerative colitis was vagal.


Dusty. :heart:
I've been thinking about this, and my $.02 is that, the next time she's admitted to hospital, you try to convince her to STAY there. It is a lot harder to ignore how sick she is if she's right in front of them throwing up everything she eats......Maybe all the tests could get done ASAP if she in inpatient. It sounds like she really hates being inpatient and tries to get out as quickly as possible, but I don't think that attitude is helping much.

Good luck! I hope they this gets figured out soon.
Hmmm. Getting Jaime to go to hospital at all is a massive battle. I do think you're right though!

Dusty - definitely worth looking into nerve dysfunction!

Jaime had two appointments through today. 31st October for different Gastro Clinic in Oxford!! With TOP consultant! And 6th November endoscopy pillcam!

My guess is that her GP has been on the phone!
Woohoo! Now that is a fab update Niks! :):):)

Sending truck loads of luck that you get solid answers! :goodluck:


Dusty. xxx
Isn't it! :D. Can hardly believe it!! Way to go Dr F (GP) :dance: :dance: :dance:

So good to have someone on her side xx
Not such good news!! Had letter cancelling new GI appointment, wanting to wait until after pillcam test...

When I cnecked out Pillcam instructions it said it would take 15 minutes! After e-mailing to check that it would be inserted through endoscopy, have received an e-mail back today saying prodedure cancelled as it was booked for her to swallow! GRRRRRR. Why is nothing ever simple!
dead cert she will vom it back up how silly, can you email them back to get them to change, just a thought have you tried either omeraprazole or Ranitidine she may have gastritis in stomach and that is making her throw everything back up, Omperazole is only under presciption but you can buy Ranitidine over the counter. or gaviscon may help, when our eldest had very bad reflux as baby had weekend of vomiting everything, happened to speak to out of hrs GP whose daughter had just been diagnosed with reflux told us to try liquid gaviscon in his milk did not look back, till we started solids then he vomited anything with bits in they told us due to reflux he has very sensitive gag reflex, not saying this is Jamie's problem am convinced she is obstructing but one of those meds may make her life easier till test. katie
I hope you can get another date for the pillcam soon. I am glad they are placing it in the duodenum. I also hope they can turn around the pillcam results quickly - as that takes longer than other imaging.