Daily vomiting.

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 24, 2011
Hi everyone! I've been taking Remicade since December. Remicade has really saved my life! However, I am allergic to it and I suffer as if I'm back in my full blown disease (crohn's) for approximately ten days. But for me the benefit still outweigh the side effects. Wondering if anyone else has daily vomiting? Taking zofran helps, but it doesn't always keep it from happening. For some reason I am the most severe when I wake in the morning. It really interfering with life.

Hi there, I was just wondering when your nausea started?
I have had my first two injections, week 0, week 2 and I'm going next week for I believe week 6 and this week have been waking up in the middle of the night, seemingly around 230, with significant nausea and hot cold chills and it won't go away. I get sick until I'm too tired and try and go back to bed and try and fall asleep before it gets worse. At first I thought it was the flu, or something I ate,but its been 4 days now and I'm not doing anything new. Remicade is all I'm on right now.
Does this sound at all familiar, or any advice?
Thank you
hi and welcome parks.
have you contacted your Gi nurse about this. I think its best you let them know what's happening before you go for your next infusion.
let us know what they say.
My daughter has developed abd. pain and vomiting lately while on Remicade. Her liver enzymes are elevated and we are doing a gallbladder scan today. This drug messes with your liver and in turn your gallbladder can become inflamed and or nonfunctioning which could lead to your vomiting. Have this checked out.
My daughter has developed abd. pain and vomiting lately while on Remicade. Her liver enzymes are elevated and we are doing a gallbladder scan today. This drug messes with your liver and in turn your gallbladder can become inflamed and or nonfunctioning which could lead to your vomiting. Have this checked out.

holy crap that's awful. let us know how she got on.
Gallbladder scan results showed it is working only 16% which explains the severe bouts of pain and vomiting. GI thought it should be removed and consulted surgeon who stated
"Your pain is not in the area of typical gallbladder pain". What an idiot. GI came back in and said that Crohns patients are not typical in any area. So true. Called Vandy again and prob. will take her back there for removal. This is her third bout of pain. Good news is that Crohns is in remission. She has perianal disease and a seton.
Gallbladder scan results showed it is working only 16% which explains the severe bouts of pain and vomiting. GI thought it should be removed and consulted surgeon who stated
"Your pain is not in the area of typical gallbladder pain". What an idiot. GI came back in and said that Crohns patients are not typical in any area. So true. Called Vandy again and prob. will take her back there for removal. This is her third bout of pain. Good news is that Crohns is in remission. She has perianal disease and a seton.

idiot is right! I know what the pain is like. I had pancreatitis and I was told its very similar. ouch! god love her.
hope the surgery goes well and soon before she has another pain attack. you know to avoid high fat food etc. in the mean time to keep it calm.