Dandeline tea - dangerous?

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Sep 23, 2009
I wanted to have dandeline tea to help my liver detoxify. As I'm making it I see it has a warning on the box that it's contraindicated for people with intestinal issues and can cause obstruction!

Why? I'm not eating the root or leaves I just want to drink the tea.
I've never heard of it causing obstructions, however dandelion is a diuretic and has a laxative effect. I can completely understand the GI distress. If one has an actively has an obstruction I can see how it would be terrible.

update - I just checked a couple of my herb books. It can have a laxative effect (due to the bile ducts emptying out, liver detoxic etc), apparently it can cause also cause constipation and is counter indicated if you have a history of obstructions.
Strange that it is a laxative and can also cause constipation. But constipation itself doesn't cause an obstruction. It might feel like one but it wouldn't actually block up. Still confuses me.
It seems there multiple factors at play. I think it's one then the other.

It is diuretic, causing increased urine output. As far as the laxative portion goes, it is directly related to the detox, the bile ducts are purged and liver is flushed which is what causes the laxative part. However, after the laxative effect occurs, it will remain a diuretic, from what I understand of this, which causes dehydration, which causes the constipation.

edit- I believe the obsturction warning is for people with a history of obstructions (I assume to narrowing, adhesion etc.)
Scary that these little flowers can cause such havoc. Shame since I would likely benefit from it. I cant take a chance.
Chicory has similar properties and the diuretic effects are limited to laxative like qualities. I would look into that, it is very similar to dandelion and will probably be safer.

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