Daughter confirmed for IBD...

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May 16, 2014
After a long evening in the ER last night, and a follow up with the GI today, he confirmed that my daughter has IBD, just not sure if Crohns or Colitis...

We took her to the ER because of right lower quadrant pain was severe and was radiating to her belly button and she was running a fever. (These symptoms have been severe since Saturday.) We thought it could have been appendicitis, but that came back okay. The ER doctor urged us to follow up with our GI before the weekend after running CT and other tests...so now she is scheduled for scopes to determine which she has. She is a freshman in college and is completely devastated, especially watching me go through so much with my diagnosis and problems with Crohns this past 16+ months. And I am devastated for her...I can handle (not really) my own issues, but to see her going through the same thing now simply breaks my heart.

I took her back to school after the appointment this evening as she has several tests to do before Thanksgiving break. Was so hard to let her walk away after such a difficult day.
I'm so sorry you both have to face this.
Yes, I would rather feel the pain then my daughter.
I just pray someday that my girl will grow stronger from it.

Hugs to you both.
Sorry to hear about your daughter's illness (and yours!). My 10 yr old son was dx'd in March 2013, in a similar manner (ER), and with similar symptoms. Once the details of her disease we confirmed by the scopes, treatment can begin, and both of you will feel so much better. Take care!
Sorry you are going thru this. I suggest she goes to the accomodation for students with disabilities at campus. (may be different name) and get on the 504 plan) They will help with the emails to teachers and give her all the resources needed in case of missed test or needing more time. I hope she gets better soon. Sending hugs and support.
So sorry to hear about her diagnosis. I agree with araceli, my older daughter has a different chronic illness (AS) and registering with her college's Office of Disabilities has been a huge help. They provide all sorts of accommodations that can make her life easier (For example: extensions on assignments, stop the clock for going to the bathroom, rescheduling exams when flaring etc.) Usually you need a doctor's note to register but it depends on the school.

Things will get better. The first few months are the hardest. Hang in there!
@lisadc1: I am so very sorry to hear about your daughter. :ghug::ghug::ghug: How heartbreaking for you! :(

One off the things we as parent’s of IBD kiddo’s say is that you have to become the best possible advocate you can possibly be for your child, well you are already there hun. It goes without saying that you are gutted about the diagnosis and you wish above all else that it wasn’t so but you have an insight into this disease that we as non IBD parent’s will never have and that can only serve your daughter well. :ghug:

:hang: Mum and know we are here for you. :heart:

Dusty. xxx
Well, my daughter had her scopes (both endo and colonoscopy) on Friday. Before I mentioned that bloodwor showed positive for IBD. He said he was concerned because something on the Promethus was there that he had not seen before, something to do with both showing homogeneous and heterogeneous. He didn't go into detail there...but when he did the colonoscopy he did see inflammation and a few areas of concern. He said he did a lot of biopsies, including her stomach, because it was very red. He said he could also tell she was having constipation issues, with her colon showing petechai (sp) and bruising. So, we will know more when the biopsies are back what the next steps are. He began treating her for IBD in November, he is proactive and is very informative and involves us through the process. Will update more as we find out. For now, taking meds and eating cautiously!!!

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