Daughter just diagnosed - should we get 2nd opinion?

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Jul 25, 2013
My 17 year old daughter has been diagnosed with Crohns a month ago, also. Well our family has no history of bowel diseases and I've had a friend who had the exact symptoms. She went to Wake Forrest for a second opinion and the found out it was her hormones and not Crohns. I've made an appointment for a second opinion. She currently is on Pentasa 8 pills a day plus iron, vit C and now a calcium pill. I just think maybe she has gotten some type of intestinal bacteria or virus and its mimicking Crohns. I feel we should get a second opinion
Sorry you are facing this dilemma!! A second opinion is never a bad idea!! Treatment, symptoms, etc. for crohns can become quite involved and there'd be nothing worse than dealing with all that while having doubts about whether you're on the right road at all!

How/why was your daughter diagnosed? ie symptoms, tests, etc.

Know that crohns can affect people quite differently so symptoms can vary from diarrhea to constipation (or none), pain or no pain at all, blood in stools to only a failure to thrive in children, etc. Frustrating and most definitely can lead to questioning the diagnosis. My son's symptoms were the complete opposite of my aunt so crohns truly never crossed my mind!

When is your apptmt for her second opinion?
I think second and sometimes even third opinions are a really good idea. I hope you get good answers soon so your daughter can feel well!
A lot of people diagnosed with crohn's don't have granulomas on biopsy. It is not necessary for diagnosis, but if there are granulomas it makes the diagnosis easier.
Sending support your way. I understand how you feel. My 16 year old daughter was diagnosed in April. We don't have bowel disease history in our family either.
No bowel disease here either
DS had a second opinion within a month of dx.
We actually had the appt already book prior to
The rush scope .
Second opinions are great second set of eyes
Especially if want to know more
We also had a third opinion but not on if it was crohn's but making sure something else wasn't going on.
DS also had granulomas present in his biopsies but the second opinion
Just helped us and the treating Gi .
Hi and welcome. This is a hard thing to come to terms with. If you have the possibility of getting a second opinion then it's definitely worth doing - even if it's just for peace of mind to know it's the right diagnosis. Good luck.
Really hope you get a second opinion and the right diagnosis and treatment for your daughter.

(((Hugs))) and Good luck xxx
for Crohn's isn't the dx confirmed by biopsy from colonoscopy/endoscopy? Granulomas?

Yes scopes are the only clear way to get the diagnosis.

However, some Doctors label on symptoms alone.
Not many do that but still I hear of some that do.

Welcome Momma, sorry you're having to deal with this. My 8 yr old son was dx'd in March of this yr. We don't have a family history of Crohn's either (unless there were relatives way back that had it and I'm not aware). Some of my son's symptoms differ from what I see many others have experienced. Not all, but some. But, if you're questioning it, I would go for that 2nd opinion. Take care!

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