Day 1 on Remicade

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Feb 9, 2012
Shan had her first Remicade infusion today. We got home around 7 and she's been on the couch ever since. Very tired! Not sure if it's a side effect, the stress of the day, or both. She's also been having belly pain on and off -- but that could be the Crohn's, Remicade or both! She took it like a pro. Very proud of her.
I'm tired and achy after my remicade infusions. I tend to have a rough time sleeping at night the next couple of days then am worn out and tired until my sleep schedual gets back on track. I also have a heavy amount of premeds before my infusion including benadryl, tylenol and a shot of steriods.

I've never really had belly pain with my crohns and I haven't gotten belly pain with remicade so I can't say the belly pain is due to which. If it's not bad or flu like then just keep an eye on it and see how it goes.
I always get sleepy and feel a little off the day of my infusion. I usually take a nap when I get home and then I'm almost back to normal. My next infusion I'll get the Benadryl first thanks to ONE, yes ONE hive I get everytime. So I'm sure it'll be a bit different. But I don't think feeling tired afterwards is anything to worry about. Hope the Remi helps her!!!
I think fatigue is the most common side effect after an infusion.

The belly pain could still be from the Crohn's, it may take a few infusions to feel the full effect. So glad she didn't have any problems!

Good luck, hope it works wonderfully for her!
I'm glad it went well. I hope she sees improvement very soon. I saw a huge improvement about 3 days after my first infusion.
Yep I'm tired too after wards. I get my infusions at 3H30 and when I get home around 7 or so I sleep until the next day. Quite common for me.

I'm glad to hear everything is going good for her.

Good luck
Im glad it went well. Im always tired after, but after a good nap Im ususally back to my normal self...
Second infusion and improving already!

:D Shannon's 2nd infusion was yesterday and, like the first, went without a hitch. She was tired last night but not nearly as bad as the first time. Her doctor left me a message tonight very excited. Shan's CRP is NORMAL for the first time since she's been diagnosed and her hemoglobin is the highest it has ever been! We are very excited here. She says she is starting to feel better too. :D
Yay!!!! Im sooooo excited for her and I will keep thinking of her. I am so glad things are good, its nice that she will be able to be a kid again....Keep us updated...