Day to day struggle

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Dec 3, 2010
Hello all,

I haven't posted anything in a while it's been so hectic as my dad passed away last month, some of you might know from an old post, and my health now seems to be getting worse. I'm really struggling to get by day to day I am feeling tired, sad and always dealing with some kind of physical pain. I don't want to miss any more work but don't know how much longer I will be able to carry on.

I am currently on methotrexate 15mg per week at first it made an improvement my crp almost went within the normal range it is now starting to get higher again. My doctor doesn't want to increase the dose just yet as it makes me feel sick and gives me heartburn, they have increased my folic acid and given me lanzoprazole to try and help. I still have lots of D that's waking me in the night and starring to lose my appetite as well but managing to drink lots of fluids. I am also passing more blood again.
I have also started getting pain in my right side and the docs are sending me for an ultrasound to check for kidney stones.

I have been put on anti depressants to try and help with things and it is but still so much going on. Just wanted to have a bit of a moan as I know everyone on here is going through similar things with this disease and will understand. Just want to feel better getting so sick of being sick and this is the last medicine to try then trials or surgery, starting to lean towards surgery to see if it will improve my general health. Thanks for reading x
HI there :bigwave:. First of all I am sorry for your loss. There are 3 main stressors and a death in the family is one, and therefore many people end up in flares. Have you tried any of the biologics? I would try at least one before surgery, because surgery can help but as you know no cure. I had laproscopic surgery the first time and it gave me 7 wonderful years but I didnt look after my self and had a major stress and boom second one surgery happened and never recovered fully from it. Metho made me ill too, and wasnt working, wasnt crazy about that drug. Losing blood is never good so you need to get that under control. I too have had kidney stones, my right and left lower back was painful but I know if I drink alot of water it goes away, that is how I can tell if I have another one (had 4). Hang in there, keep us posted ok.
Thank you for such a quick reply. I have tried humira and remicade and had allergic reactions with both so the doc took me off, that's why I'm starting to lean towards surgery and I think my doctor agrees. He said next month if I still havent improved I can talk to a surgeon which is daunting but also exciting as it would be good for some relief.
I hate methotrexate I never wanted to go on it and always said it would be a last resort so here I am on it lol.
Thank you again it's so nice to hear from people who completely understand x
You poor thing. A flare is the last thing you need right now. Unfortunately, the stress and anguish that comes with the passing of a loved one is not good for our Crohn's. I sure hope your upcoming ultrasounds goes well and things start to turn around soon, so surgery won't be needed.

Hang in there!
I'm keeping everything crossed that something miraculous happens with this methotrexate as my joints are now starting to act up and struggling to walk.
Did have a pampering session with one of my very good friends the other day and got our nails done which was nice, kept my mind off things for a while.
Thank you for replying Jill it helps so much to know everyone is so lovely on this forum x
I don't have much to offer except that I hear you and I'm thinking about you. I hope things start looking up for you soon. *hug*