Deep vein thrombosis

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May 25, 2010
Yesterday morning the doctors mentioned deep vein thrombosis. excuse spelling. I had utrasound and found I have blod clots, both legs. don't mix well with blood thinner are using, so just had minor procedure. The put in a filter to help catch large clots that would normally go thru t lung. heavily drugged, more coming, still not sure what's going on, just wanted ya'll to know. PLus, they want me to sleep on my back, i'm a side sleeper, so I'll be sleeping sitting up with my lap top. Probably just play dumb games. can't think very wel. More tomorrw, or some in/out tonight God bless everyone tonight.
Sorry Beverly, I hope everything falls into place soon. I'm praying for you. God bless you too

oh Bev :( you could've done without this complication! i hope they get this blood clot issue sorted quickly and can then concentrate on getting you fit & well... thinking of you honey. xxxxxx
Thinkin' about you MisB! Not sure what you mean about the blood thinner. Maybe we can talk more when you're up to it.

Sending healing (((HUGS))) and (((THOUGHTS))) your way..........


Take care buddy,
They discovered I have blood clots in both legs, typically treated by bloo thinner. As I am having a Crohn's flare, blood thinner not way to go, everyone started acting all commando. Or maybe it was the drugs. Anyway, need under control for Crohn's so they insterted a filter to catch any of the largert clots that might try to make their way to my lung. Right now, I feel like I've been hit by a truck, or bus, or :ybatty: Doc should be here soon. I"ll post more later.
I figured it was something like that but just curious as sometimes they will risk one thing to bring another under control. At least they're ensuring you don't suffer with a Pulmonary Embolus!

It's small comfort but at least you are in the right place. Always thinking about you MisB. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

:goodluck: and :getwell:

Dusty. :)
That does not sound minor to me!! A filter where? In femeral artery? Maybe I've just got the wrong picture in my head. I hope you are feeling ok this morning. I look forward to everything you say on here, even if it is aimed at me...ok especially if it's aimed at me:):). Get better Bev!!!
Hi Beverly

poor you, you just don't need this at the mo!
at least they are on the ball to prevent a PE!
you're in good hands, and I'll be thinking of you and sending healing hugs your way!
OH Bev, i really hope you are feeling better soon, I agree you did not need the complication right now. I really hope they get the clogs and get things moving for you. take care our angel......

hugs to you :hug:
Bev - so sorry to hear about the dvt's. Just what you need right now, huh? I developed some last Dec ("out of the blue", with pe's as well) - but as my Crohn's flare was pretty much controlled I had to go the blood thinner route. Glad they put the filter in, but are they doing anything about the clots in your legs?


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