Now, I'm not a doctor and the following was posted as a comment here:
Judy stated, off the cuff, though POSSIBLY qualifiably:
"Frankly, with close household contacts, if there is not scrupulous hand hygiene, people often eat ****, euphemistically known as fecal-oral transmission. Any time anyone is less than meticulous in his or her handwashing after defecation, there is a high risk that that individual's hand will be contaminated with stool, which will be easily spread as the person subsequently touches things. Why not, in urgent cases and with proper informed consent, use stool from a close contact without extensive testing? It is inexpensive and readily available. Effective administration may well not require colonoscopy. The cost of such a fecal transplant--as low as an enema kit and blender..."
Judy Stone, MD
Author, "Conducting Clinical Research: A Practical Guide for Physicians, Nurses, Study Coordinators, and Investigators"
But, as long as I didn't have a fever/sepsis symptoms (which I AM NOT QUALIFIED IN ANY WAY to diagnosis) and have researched such things, maybe I would give it a try. I mean, based on what comes out, your colon wouldn't be so picky as to what comes in...toxicologically speaking. Um...unless your "donor" has some blood borne/digestive illness or otherwise apparent disease BASED ON THIS RANDOM SUPPOSED M.D., I would consider doing it if I was in such dyer straits. AGAIN IM NOT A DOCTOR, IM JUST SOME DUDE OFF THE STREET. I believe a "search" on the forum for FMT would give you some more leads to track down a facility.