Diagnosed 2001, just now socializing

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 27, 2012
Hello everyone,

My name is Jeremy. I was diagnosed in 2001 and, while I have been aware of web sites like these for many years, I am just now taking the time to contributing to one. I'm a pretty independent person when it comes to the handling of my disease. I don't take any prescription medications, choosing instead to focus on diet, exercise, stress management and supplements to manage my symptoms. The results have been pretty nice ever since I graduated college. As far as my story:

One morning, when I was a high school freshman, I woke up with an extremely swollen gland in my face. I instantly decided I couldn't go to school (there were girls there after all), and my mom took me to the doctor. A blood test revealed that I was extremely anemic.

I had always been "behind" my classmates in terms of maturation/growth, had occasional stomach aches, fatigue, etc. As you can imagine, a bevy of tests followed, with my parents worried and bewildered as to what was wrong with their son. After the tests were done, the doctor said "Crohn's Disease." I had no idea what this was.

My first stage of treatment was iron IVs, which I had to do multiple times a week for a month, and they made me feel like Superman compared to my previous state.

In classes, I dealt with my stomach gurgling loudly, and it always seemed to gurgle even LOUDER on days when everyone was quiet taking a test. That used to embarrass me. I could care less now :)

I also went through the various levels of medication (Pentasa and then Mercaptopurine). Mercaptopurine worked, but I was turned off by the whole suppressing of my immune system part.

I went through college and the stress that came with it, which required multiple bouts of Prednisone (my friends got a kick out of the puffy face thing).

Graduated and met my current girlfriend a year later. She has farts just as bad as mine, so I knew she was a keeper. We've been together for three years and will undoubtedly get married in the next few.

Anywho, I now work at a small-town newspaper. I don't drink anymore, and I don't eat fast food. I've recently gotten into a weight-training regimen, and I'm in the best shape of my yet-young life. I would definitely like to get in touch with other Crohn's-havers who are into weight training.

Finally, I try to keep a positive outlook with my condition, and humor is a big part of that. So if you ever want a light-hearted, funny conversation about Crohn's, hit me up.

Excited to finally be online with all of you :thumleft:
Hey Jeremy! Welcome to the Forum. I'm glad you have decided to become more active within the crohn's community. I am sure there are plenty of people who would love to learn more about your diet and exercise regiment that has kept you healthy.

I too have abandoned allopathic approaches to my disease and have taken up diet and exercise as my treatment plan.

I am sure you will find the forum very friendly and welcoming, feel free to ask or answer any questions!
:welcome: to the forum. Glad to hear that you are doing well in you cd management.

I love the fart thing with your gf, I thought the same thing with my hubby. It's so bad now we are in sync with each other. When one us poor the will soon. :lol2: kids think we're gross :ptongue:
Hi and welcome! So glad to hear you're managing well without the meds.

I got a good laugh out of the comment about your girlfriend's farts LOL.

Your positive outlook and good humor are a refreshing change of pace and are always welcome :) I'm sure you will find many like-minded people here for companionship and advice, and of course TONS of useful information.
Hi Jeremy, Glad you are well & the natural way is working for. Im getting stared on exercise & diet plan . Taking Meds , figure it cant hurt. Got be happy for each day ,fart jokes always good ! I always say mine smell like roses lol : )
Hey there Jeremy! We're honored that you chose our community to socialize with :)

I'd love to hear about your stress reduction techniques and what supplements you take if you're interested in sharing.

See you around!
I wanted to add my hello the the rest. I am happy to hear that you have been able to control your symptoms without medications.

got many years I found that it I could motivate myself to the gym, a good hard workout actually made my gut feel better (albeit for only a short time). For the past almost three years I have been doing a workout retiming called Crossfit which I LOVE! It is very hard core and involves heavy lifting and lots of cardio training. I have had to really scale back right now to take care of my joint and gut pain, but I still go to the gym as often as I can and just modify the work out. Nice to meet a fellow gym rat!

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