I had one of those -- well, when I had my very first flare-up, it was SO bad that they didn't dare ignore the remote possibility that it was appendix. So, they did a laparoscopic removal of my appendix. It was a breeze. Even the recovery didn't need any pain meds. However, when the surgeon was in there, he noticed signs of Crohn's from the outside of my ileum. It was the clearest picture (and he DID take pictures) of the illness. I have also had colonoscopy, upper GI with small bowel follow-through, and TWO CT scans. However, the direct visualization by the surgeon was really helpful. It's not a bad thing to have done.
As to what it entails, they put you under, they make about three small incisions, stick a tube in and inflate your abdomen with carbon dioxide. They look around, they can take pictures and video, they can remove things as well. When you come out of it, it's no big deal and you can go home a few hours later. I can do laparoscopic procedures all day, cause it's nothing like a big open incision (which I have had when they took my gallbladder out).
Best wishes for obvious results. Mine sure were. My surgeon said it was the worst he'd ever seen in a live patient and he had been in practice for like 30 years.