Yup! I was on antibiotic about 2 mins after i came out of my mom, and off and on throughout my life until about the age of 8yr, so much that amoxicillan wouldnt' work, and penicillan would only work in triple the amounts of normal dosing. Then I started down the sick path again when i was in my late 18th year. to where I still continuously am on and off antibiotics. :-\ ..
Ear infections, jaudice(birth issue), heart murmur (birth issue), were the ones i had as a little kid.
Now that i'm older it ranges from Ear infections, strep, sinus infections, yeast, BV, toenail infections, athleats foot, broncitus, phnomena (Can't spell), and many others(these are just the main ones i've had over the past 5 years- i'm 23 now)