Difficulty swallowing--? new flare

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Aug 17, 2009
difficulty swallowing--? new flare

This is a new symptom for me and happens at the moment about once or twice a week.It is quite frightening to suddenly be unable to swallow food, and it gets stuck halfway, sometimes it comes back out other times I may throw up with difficulty other times have to wait for it to subside.
Presently, abdominal pain is a problem ,worst at night and wakes me up.Usually it helps to have a hot water bottle and heating pad.
My Crohn's is in the left colon.
GI wants to do an urgent colonoscopy, scheduled for end of January to see if crohn's has advanced.
There are signs of gastro/duodenal ulcers and this is responding to nexium quite quickly.
Has anyone else had these symptoms, with no D , quite the opposite in fact.
The thought of a colonoscopy freaks me out and supposing he doesn't find anything? Just a thought.
It is very unsettling since I had thought I was in a remission.
It would be helpful to hear opinions from others.
Wouldn't it make more sense to have an endoscope and check what's happening in your throat? Just in case you have an ulcer (or something similar) in your throat as well as in your stomach?
My CD has always been in my intestines never had it anywhere else, however I too have problems swallowing. It comes and goes every few months I would say. I cannot drink water fast or I chock (sp?) When I eat anything that sticks like cake or bread it passes very slowly and I feel resistance If I take a big pill it can stay stuck in my throat for 15 minutes before it finally goes. I never have this when I see the doctor and when I do see them I never have it. I do not know what it is but it's there. Maybe you are having something similar to me.
Rebecca thanks for your comment.Yes I agree that an upper endoscopy might have been suggested, but I have had several before and each time there have been ulcers or erosions found.The pain is very much improved with the nexium.
Moogie-thank you for the comment.My symptoms can happen when eating soft foods like rice or oatbran, soups with noodles etc. I never know when it will happen it takes
me by surprise each time.
Nexium does help ,it reduces ulcers and swelling however make sure you are taking a good amound of calcium it is a bone robber, like pred.

I agree with Rebecca, a endoscopy would be better, maybe he can do both at the same time? One shot do it all. Keep us posted on how you are doing ok? I hate the feeling. I have a hiatus hernia but there are exercises for it too, I avoid taking nexium whenever possible.
Hi Pen,
The less nexium the better as far as I am concerned, since the ulcers are repetitive.
Not sure I could endure an upper endoscopy at the same time as colonoscopy.
Wish it would all go away!
If he puts you out, like mine does I would do it. That way you can get it all done and get treatment.

I go on Nexium for about 6 weeks and that works and I am on 20mg of pred right now so I have to take it, Pred was the culprit for me in the first place. I have no choice tho, been on everything known to man. My colonoscopy is the 2nd of Feb so we should both have results but mine wont be til the 23rd of Feb slow here in Canada!
He is very cautious so I am never unconscious, feel just about everything, but do come and go at times.It is unpleasant for me.
This is a new symptom for me and happens at the moment about once or twice a week.It is quite frightening to suddenly be unable to swallow food, and it gets stuck halfway, sometimes it comes back out other times I may throw up with difficulty other times have to wait for it to subside.
Presently, abdominal pain is a problem ,worst at night and wakes me up.Usually it helps to have a hot water bottle and heating pad.
My Crohn's is in the left colon.
GI wants to do an urgent colonoscopy, scheduled for end of January to see if crohn's has advanced.
There are signs of gastro/duodenal ulcers and this is responding to nexium quite quickly.
Has anyone else had these symptoms, with no D , quite the opposite in fact.
The thought of a colonoscopy freaks me out and supposing he doesn't find anything? Just a thought.
It is very unsettling since I had thought I was in a remission.
It would be helpful to hear opinions from others.

What were your results from endoscopy ? Btw how's your swallowing issue now ? Did you consider doing an upper endoscopy (Gastroscopy) ? I am interested to know as well because I have the same problem.

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