Disabled Person Parking DP License Plates

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Jan 4, 2010
Are we eligible for this? I've read about how our condition is a legally physical disability in the U.S. Does that mean we can also get one of those disable plates and always find parking?
I am trying to see what other goodies I can find on the net. Horrible morning I had today.... So it got me thinking, I do need assistance if I'm gonna be in the world all alone soon.
I dont know if it qualifies here, you have to be in need of assisstance with handicap parking. I have a bad knee and pulled a tendon, going to the doc to day to get a sticker. I hate but even if it is a temporary one. Your motorr vehical license office should be able to tell you.:)
Ok cool thanks. I would have to find that out next time I go there. Some how I think now maybe its not.
Swirl - here you go for the requirements in NYS....

Qualifying Disabilities For Plates or a Parking Permit for People With Severe Disabilities:

A qualifying disability is one or more of the following impairments, disabilities or conditions that are both permanent in nature and affect mobility:

1.Use of portable oxygen;
2.Legal blindness;
3.Limited use, or no use, of one or both legs;
4.Inability to walk 200 feet without stopping;
5.A neuro-muscular dysfunction that severely limits mobility;
6.A Class III or IV cardiac condition (American Heart Association standards);
7.Severe limitation in the ability to walk due to an arthritic, neurological or orthopedic condition;
8.Restriction because of lung disease to such an extent that forced (respiratory) expiratory volume for one second, when measured by spirometry, is less than one liter, or the arterial oxygen tension is less than sixty mm/hg of room air at rest;
9.Any other physical or mental impairment not previously listed which constitutes an equal degree of disability, and imposes unusual hardship in the use of public transportation and prevents the person from getting around without great difficulty.
A Temporary Parking Permit, valid for six months, may be issued when a person has a temporarily disabling condition that makes the person unable to walk without a cane, crutches, a walker or other assisting device.
I'm not sure how the requirements to qualify for disability plates vary from state to state, but here in WI they're very lax on the rules. An old friend of mine from school was born with a minor birth defect - no fingers on her left hand. So she uses a prosthesis and gets by just fine - she can still drive, cook, play video games, do her hair, tie her shoes, type - everything that a person with all 10 fingers can do. When she got her drivers license, the DMV offered to give her disability plates. She graciously turned them down because it seemed so silly. So around here, they will apparently hand out disabled plates to anyone with even the very mildest of disabilities who has no problem with mobility whatsoever!
It seems like they are pretty lax in the UK too- or they just don't bother checking that the permits are being used by the right people. I often see what appear to be fit, young (or middle aged) people getting out of cars with disabled permits. Now I know some disabilities are hidden, but if they can get out of the car, walk unaided to the supermarket and proceed to do a weekly shop without needing any extra help or rests, I don't think they need that permit!
Ok that helped a lot. Very technical situations. Kind of like trying to buy your way out of a ticket.

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