Disposing Ice Packs

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Cross-stitch gal

Dec 25, 2011
Vancouver, USA
How do you dispose your ice packs for medication? Every 8 weeks or less now I'll be receiving my dose of Skyrizi at home now with these ice packs. I have no idea what to do with all of these!!! We're keeping my first couple, but am not sure what to do with the rest I'll be getting. Any ideas would be helpful!

Hope this finds you all doing well!!!! Thanks!
Like you I kept the first few, but after that I started just throwing them away in the trash. After more than 6 years on Stelara, I would have otherwise been buried under them by now.
Thanks for your reply! Yes, we kept my first ones that came last time, but just didn't know what to do with these that came yesterday. I also asked the pharmacy at my work and they pretty much said the same thing as you did. Seems a shame to just throw them in the garbage, but no need to have ice packs taking over house and home!!! Oh well...
We also asked family /friends coworkers etc… if they wanted the coolers /ice packs .
That helps for a bit.
We do have a freezer drawer full just in case of power outages to fill a large cooler quickly to store the meds in until the power comes back on or transport to relatives houses .
We also rotate out older ice packs with newer ones every once in a while .

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