It can happen at any time. I don't believe it is the zoloft, because it happened before I started taking it. I do have low blood pressure, so that could be contributing to it. I had my vitals checked a few months ago, and I was low in iron, but not enough to be classified as anemic. I was worried I would become anemic soon, so I spoke to my nurse and she gave me a few shots of insulin over the course of several weeks. This was awhile ago, so it's possible that since then I could have become anemic again. It doesn't make a difference if I have eaten or not. It is really starting to worry me though, because it used to only happen when I was in my house, but now it happens at any given location. Tyhe other day I was taking I yoga class, and we got up quickly from downward dog into tree pose (hands and feet on ground to standing position) and I tot the horrible feeling I might faint, I sort of staggered to the ground, and everyone around me seemed to think I had just lost balance. I didn't want to start a scene so I let them think so. I have a dicters appointment tomorrow so I hope we can get this straightened out and maybe I can have my vitals tested again. I JUST remembered that my doctor did come up with the theory that it could be a reaction to getting of prednisone. I was on it for about a month and a half and weened off it slowly. I hated the drug, and my doctor wanted me to get back on it but I refused. It makes me anxious and waked out... Anyways, hopefully my appointment goes well tomorrow!