Dizziness & racing heart?

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Jan 11, 2012
Something Rosalyn never experienced before symptoms started regularly was episodes of dizziness & feeling lightheaded. She feels like she needs to "step outside" & maybe take some deep breaths of cooler air. Her heart doesn't pound that I can feel, and she isn't wheezing or anything, and she doesn't say she feels nauseous, just this really icky feeling of being dizzy & unwell (though when she's nauseous she also feels better with cool air & cool washcloths, so I wonder if it's sort-of nausea but not quite).

I've been trying to carry snacks with her at all times in case it's related to hunger, and her teachers are very accomodating. But it comes on very suddenly & passes in 2-3 minutes, not enough time for a snack to do any good if it were related to blood sugar or hunger. And, sometimes it happens when she has just eaten.

Does anyone else have this in their child as part of the symptoms? She was so recently diagnosed, that she is not on any medication yet, and is NOT anemic (THANKFUL for that!).
I'm wondering if maybe it's related to blood pressure? Have you noticed any triggers like standing/changing position quickly? Or a sudden increase in temperature (walking from a cool to a warm room)?
My daughter complains of this also. I have not been able to find a reason for it. It usually passes after a few minutes.
I get this way, too.

Drinking water and getting up slowly seem to help. If I get up too fast, cuz I've gotta book-it to the toilet, I often pass out on the ground. Temperature is a big part of it also. If I come indoors while it's cold out... into a nice warm house... I get that icky dizziness and feel as though I may faint again.
Just out of curiosity, is the no anaemia based on haemoglobin alone?

If so it might be an idea to have her B12, Iron Stores and Folate levels tested.

Dusty. xxx
Yes, it is based on hemoglobin that she isn't anemic. I will ask about B12 at her appointment next Friday.
The spells happen regardless of movement or position, she can be sitting reading or texting (dad got her a phone for Christmas, ugh!) or just as easily playing outside. Considering we just found out her growth has dropped from 10% to 5%iles in the past year alone, she certainly has been depleting in a lot of areas. Thanks, Dusty.
Hi Imwood...sorry for all your going through. I'm new to the IBD world myself and I'm just learning about IBD.....but something I do know is panic disorder. My family is plagued with it and I am no exception. When you describe your daughters dizziness and need to go outside I can't help but recall feeling the exact same way. (I don't have IBD). I'm not sure if your daughters issue is related to her IBD directly..or possibly a stress related issue which I have read is sometimes intertwined with IBD . I know that when I suffered from those attacks it was during stressful times in my life.....I have controlled it for the last 10 years with nutrition and vitamins......turkey(tryptophan).....melatonin, L tyrosine, magnesium. All very helpful and harmless substances for an adult at least.......just food for thought in case she is experiencing a lot of stress from this illness and manifesting it in mini panic attacks. The above vitamins I mentioned are the pre cursors for serotonin and or help you sleep and relax. Good luck to you and your daughter. Also...my knowledge on controlling the attacks emanated from a book called "the way up from down" which I'm sure can be found on amazon or something.

Sounds similar to my son, who is 12, they have put it down to very low iron levels, he said he feels very dream like, not with it, and that his heart is racing away!

He has started on iron tablets, as we tried to introduce more iron rich foods in his diet but didnt work, so on iron tablet, gradual increase, and if levels are still low they will give him iron via iv!

I hope she feels better soon and find the cause of it.
Hi Dutch, and Bubbly,

I'm open to both your ideas. Rosalyn can be very anxious - she stresses to no end about tests, gets very jumpy and worried when she's working on projects due at school.
I work very hard to be open and talk with her about her feelings and keep her involved in what's going on with her body, and I wondered too if these "episodes" started when she started getting sick, because she was getting anxious about what was going on with her health. I've asked her a lot about what she was thinking about when she starts feeling dizzy & light-headed - maybe she was thinking about being sick or doctors, and it triggered anxiety which can manifest in physical symptoms (and she's aware of this, as she suffers from test anxiety, specifically for math)... but she always says that no, she wasn't thinking about being ill or anything.

Dutch, did your panic attacks hit randomly, or did they usually have a trigger such as getting wrapped up in worrisome thoughts? I know after we talked a long time last night, she has times of feeling two different ways. One way, she feels like she has a racing heart & needs to step outside to get cool air & take slow deep breaths. That, I'm pretty sure, is straight anxiety, and I'm going to check out the book you recommended today. Thank you!

The other thing that's lasting longer & causing her to come home from school, is where she feels dizzy, light-headed and cold air doesn't help it. She even holds my hand to walk bc she feels unsteady walking. I think maybe there's two things going on. I'm interested in the magnesium, B12, and iron levels for that side of her feeling icky. Ugh, this is terrible.
I deal with a raised heartbeat, and dizzy spells often. I also struggle with vitamin B, D and calcium deficiencies. No anemia that I know of.. Dehydration also plagues me, likely playing into the issue. Sometimes, I can feel my heartrate race while I am standing in a line, or taking a shower. I have even felt shaky and weak suddenly, while making my kids breakfast. (Standing for only a few minutes..) Not sure how it effects my blood pressure, however, the last couple of Dr visits revealed a higher than normal BP.

I don't know if this offers any help, just thought I would share.
Imwood, I felt all of the symptoms you mentioned when I used to have attacks.....my attacks are definitely genetic and stem from an inability to manufacture serotonin ...or so my research suggests. They began about age 24 when stress entered my life and they happened at various times....often when I am in large groups and begin to worry about "what if one happens right now". The mere thought would bring on an attack......now when I feel one begin I react by feeling my pulse ..confirming I still have one.... (I relIze that's ridiculous) :shifty:but it is a mechanism that reassures me..and then they simply go away. The others in my family who I gave that book to did NOT follow it and continue to have those attacks frequently....all claiming they have some Other cause of attacks.....which remains mysterious and unproven. Keep in mind the book is actually about depression but the area where it touches on panic disorder and the causes are excellent..and the author is a dr who despises pharmaceuticals
I would definitely get her B12, Iron Stores and Folate levels done, and throw Vitamin D in as well.

Her symptoms may have nothing to do with deficiencies in these things but so many of her symptoms do match. Anaemia can cause breathlessness and dizziness and B12 deficiency can cause you to feel unsteady, lose your balance, and have trouble walking. It also can also cause nausea.

Dusty. xxx

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