I eat fried food. Chips, chicken, bacon. Whatever. I do have to be particular on what sort of fried foods. Aside from Lays potato chips, which I will have a modest (~1-2oz) amount three, or so times a week, and I avoid flavored chips due to the MSG. When I cook I am sure to use organic oils, and organic potatoes as well (my wife makes a mean fried potato cake!). When I buy bacon, I get the uncured stuff without nitrates, or nitrites, and organic chicken.
On a bit of a tangent here: One thing suspect that contributes to our inflammation is the Genetically Modified foods. Things like GM soybean, corn, palm, rapeseed oils. Many of the oils used in mass production are made from GM crops. Your average french fry, and potato chip are likely fried in this GM oil.
I have read that some plants are modified to destroy the digestive tracts of the insects that eat them. At one point we had GM tomatoes on the market that were causing lesions in the digestive tracts of people, and it was promptly removed from store shelves. I don't believe that the effects are limited to just insects.. and when you get down to it, most of American beef, and chicken is fed GM grain. Nevermind the fact that cattle are natural grass eaters, whose own digestive systems aren't designed to eat grain.. But I digress, as I am ranting.