@Jeffgotcrohns - have you noticed a particular pattern to the fever occurrences? Or temperature range?
For example, I noticed that I run a mild fever after eating, esp red meat which I can imagine is due to increased metabolic activity in the attempt to digest the food.
I also run a mild to sever fever before vomiting or after a runny tummy - again, I imagine it is due to increased activity which pushes my system suddenly into action.
I recommend gathering some statistics on time of day, context of fever and how long it lasted. At least you could present these to your GI as facts.
And drink loads of water - the weight loss could be fluid loss due to sweating, although prob not 10 pounds. If you can, maybe throw in a few isotonic drinks (if you can tolerate the sugars) or rehydration salts every so often to keep your electrolytes in balance.
I drink 3 litres of water most days, so if I drink more than that, I get the rehydration salts involved.